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04 декабря 2016г.


This study was carried out to determine the effects of planting density on dry matter yields and rates of the plant Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) ecotype between 2011 and 2012 in Erzurum. The study has been established with three replications, including 3 row spacing and 3 intra row spacing (intra row: 40, 50 ve 60 cm; row spacing: 30, 40 and 50 cm), on a split plot in “Randomized Block” design for two different ecotypes of tarragon. Each plot consisted of four ridges, and seven plants took place on each ridge. Obtained clones were replicated in the greenhouses and planted into the field on 24 May 2014. In the trial, dry matter yields and rates of plant, leaf and stem of Tarragon have been analyzed. In conclusion; regarding the yields and rates of plant, leaf and stem of the analyzed characteristics, plant density of 40x40 cm is recommended for all dry matters in both ecotypes.

Keywords: Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.); Planting Density; Dry Matter; Plant; Leaf; Stem


Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), one of the most significant species, is economically among the species of Artemisia. Siberian origin, tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) was brought from Middle Asia to Iran and Anatolia with the migration of the Turkish, then to Europe with Crusade from where it spread to the entire world. At the present day, it is largely cultured in Europe but it is grown in the farms in Ankara, Bayburt, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Urfa in our country (Baytop, 1963). Tarragon, which has its own specific pleasant smell, has a significant place in medical services. It eases digestion by increasing the secretions of digestion. It is beneficial to stomach diseases. It has some features such as antiseptic, appetizing, remover of indigestion. It is used for anemia and digestion problems. It is added to the meals and salads. It is a beneficial spice for those who have to use no salt. It is also used in perfume industry due to its strong smell. (Azırak, 2007; İlisulu, 1992). It is added to local soups and salads in Anatolia. Tarragon's leafy branches are rich in terms of vitamin A and C, iodine and mineral salts. In Egypt, its branches are used in meals as a spice. Its essential oil is used as sweetener in soup and liquor, conserve, mayonnaise and sauce. It has been grown in the farms and fields in our country and region for from of old. There is limited researches about growth, development, yield and quality characteristics of tarragon. One of the most significant studies is about planting densities. It has been reported that the most suited planting density is 45-60 cm x 30 cm. If it is necessary to make a challenge untamed grass (plant) before closing the lines, the distance of the lines should be 0.5-1.0 m (Anonymous, 2003). The yield in the unit area can increase with the increase of plant density. In a research, in which the density of 3, 7 and 11 plants were tested, the most biomas has been obtained from the highest planting density (Simon et al, 1990). In Tasmania, 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 plant m-2 plant density has been tested and in this test, it has been determined that the yield of leaf dry matter is increased 20 m-2 plant. However 10 plants m-2 yield constitutes approximately 90% of the maximum yield (Laughlin, 1993). With the aim of determining the most appropriate plant number, according to the results of the research conducted in Kenya, it has been advised that the planting distance between lines and above lines should be one meter and it is equivalent to 10.000 plants hectare. In addition, on the occasion that the distance between the plants is more than 5 cm, it is stated that the number of the plants will be decreased to 500 hectare. In the light of this information, the production will also be decreased (Anonymous, 2005). In this research, it is intended to investigate dry matter yields and Rates of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) population where different planting densities were obtained from the cities of Erzurum (Dadaşköy) and Bayburt.


The research has conducted in the test field number 4 that belongs to Faculty of Agriculture, Atatürk University in 2011 and 2012. In 2011, the overall rainfall amount of the April- September term was 364.1 mm, the next year it was 170.8 mm and it has been 226 mm for years. Compared to 2012, it rained 193.3 mm more than in 2011. During the growing season, the average temperature was 13.78 oC in the first testing year and 14.72 oC in the next year the average temperature has been 13.72 oC in the same period for years. In 2011 and 2012 when the test has been done, it has been identified that the highest temperatures were in July and August and, the lowest temperatures were in May and October. In cultivation period of the plants, the relatively humidity rate in the average of the years has been 58.33% and in the same period the first testing year has been 60.05%, and the second year has been 57.18%. The relatively humidity rate of the second year has been found lower than both the first testing year and the medium of the years. The body of trials land area is clay loam and its pH is 7.27. Organic matter content of 0.11%, plants to efficient P2O5 is 14.2 kg da-1 and K2O is 163.6 kg da-1. According to these data, soil testing ground are slightly alkaline character, medium available phosphorus to plants is medium, is rich in potassium and poor in organic matter status (Sezen, 1991). According to the regulation about “The Split Parcels”, the testing named after “Fluky Full Blocks” has been carried out three times again and again (Yıldız, 1994). The clones used in the test took place on the main parcels and planting density (between row; 40, 50, 60 cm); above row: 30, 40, 50 cm took place on the lower part of the parcel. Each parcel consists of 4 lines and in each line there are seven plants. Thus, it consists of the parcel fields by planting order (40x30 cm) 3.36 m2, (40x40 cm) 4.48 m2, (40x50 cm) 5.60 m2, (50x30 cm) 4.20 m2, (50x40 cm) 5.60 m2, (50x50 cm) 7.00 m2, (60x30 cm) 5.04 m2, (60x40 cm) 6.72 m2 and (60x50 cm) 8.40 m2. At harvest, some space is left out of the edges and one each seed bed from the beginning of the parcel. That is why the harvest areas have become respectively 1.2 m2, 1.6 m2, 2.0 m2, 1.5 m2, 2.0 m2, 2.5 m2, 1.8 m2, 2.4 m2 and 3.0 m2. In the experiment, tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) clones brought from Erzurum and Bayburt have been used in this test with its account of 6 kg da-1, azote 21% and phosphorous (45%) fertilizers have been applied to the tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) in the spring. Necessary care procedure has been done Ceylan, 1987; Özlem et al, 1997 and Telci, 2001. The measurement in the plants which were cut up in the beginning of the flowering have been done by benefitting about determining dry matter yields and Rates of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) ecotypes. The date obtained from the research have been applied to variable analysis with the help of SPSS computer program and the multiple comparison test have been applied to the difference among mediums.


Plant dry matter yield: The average rate about the dry matter yield per decare of ecotypes of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) raised with different planting densities is stated in the Table 1, and the related variable analysis results are stated in the Table 1. As can be seen in the Table 1, the dry matter yield in the first year of trial (1155.65 kg da-1) is more than that of the second year (1092.03 kg da-1).

Table 1. Effects of different Planting Densities on yields and rates of Dry Matter of Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) and Dry Matter analysis of variance results.

The difference between the years was found to be statistically significant (p<0.01). The most dry matter in the first testing year and at the average of years was identified as the planting density of 40x40 cm (1393.20, 1273.91 kg da-1), and in the second year of 50x30 cm (1161.26 kg da-1). The least dry matter yield in terms of the planting density was also identified to be 50x50 cm (988.64, 1027.48, 1008.06 kg da-1) both in the test year and at the average of years. Significance was found in the testing years and the avarage of the years in terms of the dry matter among ecotypes (Table 1). The dry matter yield of Dadaşköy ecotype (1 in 1158.8, 1154.96, 1156.89 kg da-1) was found to be more than that of Bayburt (1 in 1152.49, 1029.10, 1090.79 kg da-1) in both testing years and at the avarage of years (Table 1; Fig. 1). That those ecotypes are not decisive in terms of the dry matter yield, according to the planting density in the testing years and at the avarage of years led the interaction of ecotype x planting density prove to be significant (p<0.01). Moreover, that dry matter yield did not show stability according to ecotypes in the medium of years, planting densities and both of these factors led the interactions of year x ecotype and year x planting density to be significant (p<0.01) (Table 1).

Leaf dry matter yield: The average rates relating to dry leaf matter yield of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) ecotypes obtained according to testing factors is stated in the Table 1 and the results of variable analysis is in the Table 1. Statistically significant differences were found between the testing years in terms of leaf dry matter yield (Table 1). Leaf dry matter yield was 574.53 kg da-1 per decare in the first testing year and 450.09 kg da-1 in the second year. The effect of planting density on leaf dry matter yield is found to be significant (p<0.01) in terms of both the testing years and the medium of the years. The dry leaf matter yield is obtained from 40x40 cm of planting density (743.62, 604.64 da-1) and 60x50 cm of planting density (513.31 kg da-1). The least leaf dry matter yield according to the planting density was stated as 60x50 cm (487.87 kg da-1) of the planting density in the first testing year, 60x40 cm (393.47 kg da-1) in the second year and 50x50 cm (450.35 kg da-1) in the average of the years (Table 1; Fig. 1). Significant (p<0.01) differences were found between the ecotypes in terms of the leaf dry matter efficiacy in both the testing years and the average of them. Leaf dry matter yield of Bayburt ecotype (616.27 kg da-1) is more than that of Dadaşköy in the first testing year and the average of the years (532.00 kg da-1) , it, however, is less in the second testing year (452.46 kg da-1 and 447.72 kg da-1). The fact that ecotypes are not decisive according to the planting density and the  testing years and the average of the years caused the interaction of ecotype x planting density to be significant (p<0.01). However, that the leaf dry matter yield was not schart according to the ecotypes of the average of the years, the planting density and to both factors led the interaction between the year x ecotype, year x planting density and year x planting density x ecotype to be significant (p<0.01) (Table 1).

Stem dry matter yield: The average rates about the stem dry matter yield obtained from tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) ecotypes with the different planting densities are given in the Table 1 and the related analysis results are given in the Table 1. The dry stem matter yield per decar was found to be 449.78 kg da-1 in the first testing year and 460.50 kg da-1 in the second year. A significance (p<0.01) was found between the planting density in the testing years and the average of them in terms of the stem dry matter yield (Table 1). The most stem dry matter yield according to the planting density was obtained in 40x40 cm of planting density (501.38 and 496.22 kg da-1) both in the testing years and in the average of the years, and 60x40 cm of planting density (498.34 kg da-1) in the second year. According to the planting density, the least stem dry matter yield was determined as 50.50 cm (374.92 and 410.86 kg da-1) in the first testing year and the average of the years and 40x50 (420.18 kg da-1) of planting density in the second year (Table 1; Fig. 1). The significance (p<0.01) was determined in the testing years and the average of them in terms of stem dry matter yield among ecotypes (Table 1). The stem dry matter yield of Dadaşköy ecotype (489.81, 504.68 and 497.25 kg da-1) turned out to be more than that of Bayburt ecotype (409.74, 416.31 and 413.03 kg da-1) both in the testing year and the average of them (Table 1; Fig. 1). The fact that ecotypes were not decisive according to planting density in the testing year and the average of them caused the interaction of ecotype x planting density to be significant. The stem dry matter yield did not show determination in terms of ecotypes, planting density and both of these factors in the average of the years. This led the interaction of ecotype, planting density of the year x to be significant.

Plant dry matter rate: The avarege rates about the dry matter rate which was obtained from tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) ecotypes byproducingdifferent planting densities are demonstrated in the Table 1 and the results of related analysis are stated in the Table 3.2. In terms of dry matter rate, some significant(p<0,01) statistical differences have been detected (Table 1). In the first experiment year the rate of dry matter has been 41,27% and in the second year of experiment it has become 32.49% (Table 1; Fig. 2). In view of the rate of dry matter significant (p<0,01) differences have been identified during the planting densities both in the testing years and in the avarage of the years (Table 1). The rate of the dry matter has been 40x40 cm of planting density (44,31 and 38,21%) in the first experiment year and in theavarage of the years, as to second experiment year it has been detected as 60x40 cm of plantingdensity (32,49%). The least dry matter rate has been 60x40 cm of planting density (39,03%) in the first experiment year , in the second year it has been 60x30 cm of planting density (30,41%) , and in the avarege of the years it has been determined as 60x50 cm of planting density (36,30%) (Table 1). Significant (p<0,01) differences among the ecotypes in terms of the rate of dry matter have been stated (Table 1). The rate of drog leaf of Bayburt ecotype has been higher than Dadaşköy ecotype. With the rank of experiment years and the avarage of experiments year the rate of dry matter has been 40,91, 30,82 and 35,87%; the rate of Bayburt ecotype’s dry matter has been 41,62, 34,16 and 37,89%. The fact that the rates of dry matter have not shown any determination according to density of planting during the experiment years and in the avarege of the years led to the fact that interactions of ecotype x planting density become significant.

Besides , the fact that the rates of dry matter did not show any determination with regard to planting density in the avarege  of years and the fact that the interaction of year x planting density did  not show any determination regarding ecotype and planting density caused the interaction of year x ecotype x planting density to be of significant levels (p<0,01) (Table 1). Leaf dry matter rate: It is given in the Table 1 the avarage rates about the dry leaf matter rates obtained from tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) ecotypes by applying to different planting densities and related variable analysis results are also shown in the Table 1. As it can be seen in the Table 1 the leaf dry matter rate (33.76%) in the first testing year is more than that of second testing  year (30.30%). And it is regarded statistically very significant  (p<0,01)  (Table 1). Among planting densities in terms of the dry leaf matter rates A significant difference has been identified between the testing years and in the average of them (Table 1). While the dry leaf matter rates were identified 40x40 cm in the first testing year and in the average of the years according to planting densities, it was determined 60x40 cm in the second testing year. The least one was identified as 50x40 cm planting density in the first and second testing year and the average of them. It was noted as 40x30 cm (29.24 and 30.45%) (Table 1; Fig. 2). Significant difference has been identified between the testing years and the average of the years among the ecotypes in terms of the dry leaf matter rates (Table 1). The dry leaf matter rate of Bayburt ecotype has been more than that of Dadaşköy ecotype. The dry leaf matter rate of Dadaşköy ecotype has been 32.07, 27.44 and 29.75% in the testing years and in the average of years. On the other hand, The so–called rate of Bayburt ecotype has been 35.45, 32.16 and 34.31% in row (Table 1; Fig. 2). In the testing years and in the average of years of the dry leaf matter rate,the fact that these ecotypes do not show determination, according to the planting density, in terms of the dry leaf matter rate causes the interaction of ecotype x planting density to be significant (Table 1).

Stem dry matter rate: In the Table 1, it is given the averarage rates about the dry stem matter rate obtained from tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) ecotypes by applying to different planting densities and additionally related variable analysis results are shown in the Table 1. Between the testing years and the average of the years, in terms of the dry stem matter rate, significant difference has been found statistically (Table 1). Dry stem matter rate in the first testing year (39.49%) became more than that of the second testing year (25.18%) (Table 1; Fig. 2). A great difference has been estimated among the planting densities both in the first testing years and in the average of them in terms of dry stem matter rate (Table 1; Fig. 2). The dry stem matter rate has been determined as 50x40 cm planting density (44.50%) in the first testing year, 50x40 cm planting density (29.11 and 35.46%) in the second year and (29.11.46 and 35.00%) in the average of the years. The least dry stem matter rate has also been determined as 60x40 cm planting density (35.96%) in the fisrt testing year, 40x50 cm (21.11%) in the second testing year and 60x30 cm (30.50%) in the average of the years (Table 1; Fig. 2). A significant difference among ecotypes has been identified in terms of the dry stem matter rate in the testing years and the average of the years (Table 1). The dry stem matter rate of Dadaşköy ecotype in the fisrt testing year (40.28%) and in the average of the years (32.49%) became more than that of Bayburt ecotype (38.69 and 32.17%). However, it became less than in the second testing year and 25.62%) (Table 1; Fig. 2). In the testing years and in the average of the years, the dry stem matter rate does not show any determination, according to the ecotypes and planting densities and this causes the interaction of ecotype x planting density to be significant (Table 1). The fact that dry stem matter rate does not show stability according to the average of the years and ecotypes causes the interaction of year x ecotype to be significant (Table 1). In the average of the years, the dry stem matter rates do not show stability according to planting density and this leads the interaction of year x planting density to be significant (Table 1). In the average of the years, the dry stem matter rate does not show determination according to ecotypes and planting densities and this causes the interaction of year x planting density and ecotype to be significant (Table 1).


The reason why the dry matter yield of the first year of trial was abundant may result from a large amount of the drug plant and drug leaf yield in this year. The effect of the planting density on dry matter yield is considered to be significant in both the testing years and the average of the years (Table 1). The reason why leaf dry matter yield in the first year was more than the second year may be because the yield of drug plant and drug leaf in the first year was abundant (Table 1). Difference between dry stem matter yield per decar may have originated from climatic factors, rainfall, relatively low humidity and abundance of temperature in the second year. The differences among the experiment years in terms of the rate of dry matter might have been resulted from the fact that the vegetative sections of ecotypes are extensive. When plant dry matter yield and rate, leaf dry matter yield and rate, and stem dry matter yield among features examined are taken into consideration, for both ecotypes, 40x40 cm planting density might be offered.


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