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06 февраля 2016г.

Today the society requires the highly qualified specialists. Modern workplace communication expects well- rounded professionals who not only have an excellent command of their subject area, but who can also communicate well both with colleagues and the general public. It is necessary not only to be a well skilled doctor it is also important to know how to use the obtained knowledge in practice in real life situation. Foreign language is a way of solving some problems outside of the native country. So that in medicine it is preferable to give a good education to a future doctor who has the active life position. The aim of the article to show the modern tendencies which help to make better the process of learning English by post graduate students of medical universities.

Doctors are necessary for people, they are responsible for saving human health. English is an international language so people have possibility to work together, to share by their experience, to present their researches. A key question is finding materials and methodologies which will be effective for the post-graduate students at  medical universities. This question is also relevant to English for specific question (ESP) but one other factor should also be considered: subject specific knowledge. By definition, the learners on an ESP course will usually know more about the subject than the teacher. This additional factor is often what makes ESP a daunting, but also an exciting, challenge. However, there are three key strategies open to ESP teachers whose knowledge of the specific subject is limited: honesty and openness, preparation and confidence. An ESP teacher does not need to know an ESP topic very well to begin with. What is desirable is an interest in, and at times a passion for, a particular subject or discipline, and then the hands-on knowledge will be picked up as you go along. Some teachers of Medical English that I have met at universities in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, say that over the years they have become so familiar with various areas of medicine that they almost feel as if their medical knowledge is as good as that of the doctors they teach [5].

Teachers and students play an equally active role in the learning process. The teacher‘s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of material. Student learning is measured through both formal and informal forms of assessment, including group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. Teaching and assessment are connected; student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction [5, 6].

Through these three teaching methods, teachers can gain a better understanding of how to govern their classroom, implement instruction and connect with their students. Within each of these three main teaching styles are teaching roles or ―models.‖ Theorist A.F. Grasha explains the five main teaching models in her publication Teaching with Style (1996): Expert, Formal Authority, Personal Model, Facilitator and Delegator. To better understand these approaches, it is important to discuss what is generally understood as the three main teaching styles in educational pedagogy: direct instruction, inquiry-based learning and cooperative learning. Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that focuses on student investigation and hands-on learning. It is important to distinguish between English exam and subject knowledge (medicine) [4, 5].

Computer technology is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned. Using the Internet resources and computers studying process should be more aware of the core components of the process of teaching and learning; develop strong positive attitude in learning English; overcome challenges facing using computers in the process of learning English. It is important to supplement your course with additional materials that you have selected based on your learners‘ needs. For ready-made supplementary materials, many published coursebooks nowadays offer photocopiable worksheets and classroom activities online at the course website. The day is at hand, when it is indecently to ask a candidate if he knows English. It will be equal to the question if he knows how to use a computer. But many candidates ask themselves an eternal question ―to be or not to be‖, and not everyone knows how this expression sounds in source language.

The student must be competitive in the modern working market. It is necessary to speak about the competence. It has already been analyzed the term ‗competence‘ which is a cluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person (or an organization) to act effectively in a job or situation. Competence indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. Because each level of responsibility has its own requirements, competence can occur in any period of a person's life or at any stage of his or her career in medicine. It is described the professionally oriented competence of a future doctor [3].

The problem of forming the motivation to be a good doctor is important and influential to all human life. To be self-motivated in the process of learning a foreign language is very important. The kinds and types of the motivation are shown. The motivation to the studding process is described. The attention has been paid to the peculiarities of the future medical worker‘s activity and necessity of the  communication, which influences on the  process of treatment and recovering [1, 2].

Student‘s strategy may be direct or indirect. The choice depends on your current vocabulary level. If you need major improvement, you should set up a study schedule which includes a specific time in which you work on learning new words and expressions. You could select one of the many excellent vocabulary enrichment books available today, or one specifically designed for the exam, which covers a number of different subject areas. You could work for as little as 10 minutes a day to as much as one hour a day. No matter how much you do, working steadily and daily will produce impressive results [4, 3].

The second way is to adopt indirect strategies to enrich your vocabulary. This includes reading newspapers, magazines, textbooks, brochures, and fiction or non-fiction books. It includes watching and listening to news broadcasts, interviews, songs, documentaries, movies, audio books, and discussions. Not only should you write down the new words and their meanings, but also use the new words in your own written or oral sentences. With such a wide selection of vocabulary improvement materials available, students with the help of a teacher should select the system which is most comfortable with and enjoy the most. It takes time to build up the vocabulary so find a program which appeals to student.

To sum up, there are a lot of scientist investigate modern tendencies in the process of studying in high school, they are Solovova E.N., Shaykina O.I., Sternin I.A., Day J. Krzanowski M. and others.

 Conclusion. All modern tendencies help us to make more effective the process of foreign language learning in high school. They are: personal-oriented model of teaching, intercultural communication, multilinguism, integration, levels system, technical support, etc.

It is established that for reaching C1 level it is necessary to have 200 hours for learning academic writing, speaking, listening and reading. Studding in the post-graduate school is a good time for forming foreign professionally oriented scientific communicative competence.


List of references

1.      Берн Э.Н. Что такое человек? / Теории личности в западноевропейской и американской психологии. Самара, 1996. – 46с.

2.      Соловова, Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам / Е. Н. Соловова / М.: Просвещение, 2002. 239 с.

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4.      Шайкина О.И. Актуализация современных педагогических тенденций в процессе преподавания иностранных языков. Метод кейсов [Текст] / О.И. Шайкина // Молодой ученый. — 2011. — №12. Т.2. — С. 151-154.

5.      Day J. Krzanowski M. Teaching English for Specific Purposes: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. – 19 p.

6.      Nazmi Abdel-Salam Al-Masri Technology for Teaching English. The Islamic University of Gaza: University Press, 2012. – 55 p.