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06 февраля 2016г.

Modern situation of the society has fundamentally transformed a place and a role of higher education. It creates new challenges and demands to the quality of professional training and forms the necessity of its effectiveness criteria revision. This fact causes the importance of objective qualitative characteristics which can show both procedural and resultant sides of professional training.

These criteria are especially important for future managers training. Mostly based on strategic and innovative administration, modern management concepts are oriented to the professional manager image [3]. The whole training system, various scientific investigations, multibranch information networks create and support the image of a professional whose expertise includes management attainments.

Professional training level needs to be estimated in accordance with the quality and quantity of managers‘ useful activities, and their attitude towards the occupation. On the other hand, before assessing managers‘ results and considering pedagogical influence, a list of significant qualities which determine the results should be compiled. This list can simplify the research and let the analyst feature decisive straits adequately.

Summarizing the analysis of the attainments got by future managers evaluation, educational specialists underline several major criteria: knowledge dimension, stability, comprehension, and consistency [4]. Skills and personal qualities can be assessed reasoning from the occurrence, resistance, flexibility, and productivity.

Qualitative analysis of the management students‘ attainment can be proceeded with such criteria and indices:

·         depth of knowledge characterized by the amount of deliberate essential connections of definite attainment with the other ones;

·         attainment productivity which implies preparedness and ability to apply the attainment in a similar or divergent situation;

·         consistency which is defined as a battery of knowledge bearing a scientific structure in management students‘ conscience;

·         knowledge comprehension which appears in the understanding of its cross-connections, ways of receiving and abilities to prove it.

These criteria are nonspecific and can be applied for students‘ and graduates‘ knowledge evaluation in different areas. The specific work character of a manager needs the criteria list to be expanded with a universal criterion which can reflect future skills, competence and conception. Therefore professional image formation becomes a crucial criterion for the training effectiveness evaluation.

Professional image formation of a future manager presumes professional orientation coming-to-be and motivation for professional self-realization increase, mental and moral development, qualitative content of his or her self-image, and competence formation. The formation of verbal and non-verbal image components and the creation of a positive corresponding to professional managers visual image are also crucial for future manager image formation. [2]

Besides, professional image formation necessarily relies on several principal conditions. The influence on the person while studying in a higher educational establishment seems to be mediate. Management students need to have the possibility of personal choice of individual development path and form their stand in life and profession. It means that students create a self-realization field based on forming image system.

The initiation of students‘ professional and social relations is significant for image development as well. Their implication to the situations which create different role interactions and cooperation contributes to the image formation. Pedagogy specialists have to form social relations corresponding to professional manager particular features.

On the  other part,  manager image formation demands student‘s attitudes and activities. Professional  image necessitates proper self-realization. This process includes purpose perception, image realization for personal development and professional achievements control, self-consciousness, intermediate results and ultimate goal perception, and main professional perspectives comprehension.

Professional training in a higher educational establishment involves students‘ motivation. Practice proves that professional image formation as an important part of the training also needs personal impulse. Educational specialists in this case have to define and underline dominant goal of image formation and stimulate management students to creative solutions of their tasks.

Reasonable choice of a manner, decision, activity can serve a confirmation to the future manager image formation. The objective of pedagogy specialists is the creation of decision situations in the course of image formation.

Image is a system of inter-related elements and subsystems [5], as well as image formation is a complicated ongoing process. Image components include social or personal, special (purposeful), informational and cognitive elements. Image is reflected in defferent forms of human behaviour: verbal, visual, ethic and aesthetic ones. Thus, professional manager image accepts and influences on all necessary attainments got by management students during their training.

Future manager image formation is founded on structural and logical interdisciplinary relations. It means integration of socio-cultural, economic, legal and special training for successful professional development in the sphere of management. Students observe the content of manager‘s professional activities in this setting. In accordance with this fact image formation of future managers shows professional acquisition.

For its turn, evaluation of the professional image formation needs defining it as a complex system. The brimming of professional image formation embodies several inter-related components which describe attainments and skills criteria. The components and their major characteristics are given in the table below.

Table 1

Components of the manager image formation in the course of professional training



Pedagogical instruments of formation


Disciplinary expansion

The formation of key manager‘s




Active and interactive trainings, independent research


Practice orientation

Knowledge retention and

enlargement, implementation of the attainments in practice





Personal self-development



Self-image formation, personal self- actualization

Various tests and psychological

techniques for the revelation and promotion of management students‘ personal qualities, positive self-rating formation; educational activities for creativity implementation and enlargement

Interpersonal attitudes

Behavioural image formation,

development of the skills to communicate

Group communicative trainings,

discussion methods, gaming techniques


Physical health maintenance


Attainments on healthcare acquisition

Health saving educational

technologies (diseases and pernicious habits prevention)

Mental and moral education

Moral values formation

Involvement into charity actions


The mutual orientation of all components is direct or indirect impact on the motivation of future managers. Professional image formation and motivation development influence each other reciprocally and presume the usage of innovative pedagogical technologies such as active and interactive educational methods, trainings, business games and simulations, and case study. This process takes place during the whole future managers‘ training in a higher educational establishment. Therefore ordering and systematization of the information about professional image and about attainment level correspondingly is received throughout the training. [1]

Professional image formation depicts the result and evaluation of future managers‘ knowledge and skills level. It reflects comprehensive development of management students and their preparedness to business and government administrative duties.

List of references

1.      Dvulichanskaya, N.N. Interactive training methods as the means of key competences formation / N.N. Dvulichanskaya // Science and Education. – 2011. – №4. – pp. 1–10.

2.      Guseva, M.N. General Characteristics of the Model of Image Formation of a Future Manager in Training / M.N. Guseva // V.I. Vernadsky University. – 2010. – №7-9 (30). – pp. 112–115.

3.      Konstantinova, V.G. Regularities, Principles and Basic Elements to Form the Image of a Future Manager in the Course of Vocational Training / V.G. Konstantinova // Yaroslavl pedagogical vestnik. – 2012. – №12. – Vol. 2 (Psychological and pedagogical sciences). – pp. 158–162.

4.      Mandrikov, V.B. Designing teaching technologies in the process of training / V.B. Mandrikov, M.A. Vershinin // Vestnik of Volgograd State Medical University. – 2005. – №1. – pp. 78–85.

5.      Panina, S.V. Image Making Potential of Higher Educational Establishment: Socio-Cultural Aspect / S.V. Panina, S.Y. Zalutskaya, V.V. Grigorieva // World Applied Sciences Journal. – M., 2014. – pp. 460–464.