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12 декабря 2018г.

The main points of ozone action are: restoration of oxygen transport function of the blood; influence on metabolism through the ozonolysis of organic substrates of cells; moderate initialization of free radical reactions of lipid peroxidation with simultaneous prevalence of antioxidant system processes; activation of enzyme systems and restoration of the energy potential of cells. Ozone reacts chemically with hydrophobic lipids, resulting in peroxidation (formation of peroxides) and changes in the electrical charge of erythrocyte membranes.

The aim of the study: is to reveal the increase of viability and preservation of valuable morphofunctional properties of erythrocytes.

Materials and methods: the clinical effect after transfusion of autodonor erythrocytes with a shelf life of more than 4 days treated with ozone-oxygen mixture was analyzed. Minimum concentrations of ozone 1-2 mg/l were used, excluding the risk of oxidative stress and hemolysis of erythrocytes. Saturation of the cell mass was made immediately after the workpiece. Patients were divided into 2 groups: 1st-35 patients who underwent transfusion of ozonated autologous blood with a shelf life of more than 4 days. 2nd-20 who were regular transfusion of autologous red blood cells of the same storage time. There was no difference in these groups by sex and age. Changes in the General condition, functions of internal organs, changes in laboratory data were recorded: the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood pH, lactate level, pyruvate of potassium ions, urea, creatinine, free hemoglobin. All patients autotransfusion was carried out with the purpose of correction of hypoxic disorders acute post-hemorrhagic anemia intraoperatively or in the postoperative period. Prior to autotransfusion, autodonor erythrocytes treated with an ozone-oxygen mixture immediately after harvesting were studied in comparison with conventional media. Changes in the pH of the medium, lactate, pyruvate, potassium ions, free hemoglobin, the percentage of preservation of discoid forms of cells, osmotic resistance of red blood cells were estimated.

Results and discussions: it was found that the content of pyruvate, lactate and potassium ions in the blood treated with ozone-oxygen mixture is significantly lower than in the usual blood of the same period of storage. The acidity of the medium and the osmotic resistance of the cells did not differ from the norm. In addition, the percentage of safety diskoidna forms of erythrocytes sotail of 92.3%. After ozonized autologous blood transfusion in 73% of patients the next day improved the General condition in comparison with 2nd group (32%). In 57% of patients improved ECG. The increase in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit was observed in more than 59% of cases already on the 2nd and 3rd day after transfusion. Biochemical parameters also with positive dynamics: the level of urea, creatinine, free hemoglobin, potassium, lactate, pyruvate decreased in comparison with the 2nd group; the pH level quickly recovered to normal.

Conclusion: Based on these data it can be argued that red blood cells processed ozone-oxygen mixture, longer retain the valuable properties during storage, more viable and better implement the oxygen-transport function in the system of microcirculation, which makes autotransfusion more effective in the correction of acute post- hemorrhagic anemia.