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10 января 2016г.

The article is devoted to the development of program-target planning in the Soviet era and the modern period of Russian history. Also the author of this article considers the methodological basis for the creation and implementation of program-target method in the management of social and economic processes in the country.

Key words: program-target method, purpose-oriented program, planning, program-target planning efficiency.

    For decades the  program-target  planning of various socio-economic  processes is an effective way to solve problems requiring a concentration of resources and a target orientation in the use of funds as well as coherence in the actions for the implementation of certain goals.

   The first Soviet industries development program was developed in 1918 by the Supreme Council of the national economy. However it is assumed that the formulation of GOELRO Plan (State Commission for Electrification of Russia) was the initial step in development of the program-target planning. GOELRO plan is considered to be one of the first long-term programs which was directed entirely on the national economy growth and the improving production efficiency.

    Program-target planning was used as a tool for rehabilitation and further development of the national economy during World War II and after. In this case the first post-war plans were the rehabilitation programs of the ravished economy. But in the 50s of the last century planning has inherited such characteristics as long-term and focused as a result the action period of the program began to come out the planned five-year period (for example chemicalization program of the national economy. Splash in use of the program - target planning was during1960-1970-ies, namely this method selected in an independent area of public planning.

  A trend increase in the number of the program developed on the basis of a targeted approach had also been in the 1980s. The degree of their diversity increased and as a result the problem of program planning and its interaction with industry and territorial planning appeared.

   Summarizing the development of program-target planning in the Soviet period we can be argued that the program oriented planning in the early stages was formed as an independent field of the public planning. The specific of planning was the interconnection between sectorial and territorial planning. Program-targeted approach used in the development of large complex economic programs and the lay-out of general sectorial and regional sections of long-term plans. The vector for the further development of the program-target planning and development of new large programs of social and economic country growth development is reflected in the part of the development of long-term plans for economic and social evolution as an essential part to improve their validity, focus on outcomes and solving specific scientific and technical, economic and social problems.

   Soviet-era experience design and implementation of programs confirmed their  high potential capability and effective action to solve the problems of socio-economic development. But the current practice of implementation and development of program-target planning did not provide adequate results and effect. The main cause of this situation was the imperfection of methodical maintenance and inappropriate organizational level of program products and implementation processes.

   An important development in mastering of methods and organizational forms of program-oriented planning was the release by the State Planning Committee of the USSR methodical positions on the working of the comprehensive economic programs in 1980. This document contained the principles of program planning, program classification, the order of their development, possible approaches to linking plans and programs, methods of the programs efficiency assessment. Moreover specific procedures and guidance note for the development of certain types of Union and republican programs were also developed. These training materials have helped to advance the common methodology and the organization of program planning, namely these recommendations gave a clear, feasibility form, enrich their contents. These training materials have helped to advance the common methodology and the organization of program planning. These recommendations have given a clear, feasibility form, enriched their contents.

   However the developed methods and organizational forms of program-target planning could not solve the problem of scale and resource availability as well as priority program implemented challenges, the validity of their allocation from the general set of targets for economic and social development.

   It is possible in general identify the following problems of formation program-target planning in the Soviet period: variant design, the problem of determining the effectiveness of programs, the problem of pre-development of the functional structure and the formation on its basis the executive structure and the lack of scientific and methodological groundwork for economic and mathematical model suitable for use in the programming process.

   The transition to market relations in the Russian economy could not but affect the content and organization, methods of application program targeted approach in the economic management. It was expected that the planning and targeted complex programs filed as a history in connection with the abolition of state plans, non-centralized national planning policy during the late 1980s-early 1990s. However the termination of the development and implementation of state-based plans did not make sense and the development of targeted programs had not been deprived of communication with the public financial and budgetary planning. So the return to the development and implementation of targeted programs began in the 90s of last century for resolving the problems of the Russian economy. As a consequence it was necessary to adapt the methodology and organization of the development of targeted programs to the existing Russian market forms and methods of management. The main such document was a document "Procedure for the development and implementation of federal target  and interstate  target programs being implemented together with the Russian Federation" approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 1995.  This document  contained the basic provisions defining the method and organization of formation of the targeted programs at the federal level, the structure of the program sections. The document has become the basic of following develop provisions and methodical instructions.

    It can identify the following main distinctive features of the formation of targeted programs in the current Russian economy from the target complex programs in the Soviet economy:

-   Use of market mechanisms, methods of management in the process of formation and implementation of targeted programs;

-    Setting priorities, selection factors of issues to create targeted programs and their solutions by the program method at the federal level;

-    Development of an example the draft program (the structure of the target program) and the composition of program documentation;

-Setting order and sources of financing of federal target programs;

   Defining management procedures of implementation of target programs, monitoring the progress of its realization, the programs efficiency assessment;

-   Establishment the passport form of the target program, the description of its components

   The adoption of organizational and methodological provisions defining the content of the target federal programs, methods of their construction, procedure of formation and implementation largely contributed to the rise of program- target planning and management in the Russian economy in transition.

    Basically targeted programs can be distributed and really used in the construction of the regional target programs, including the municipal level in spite of the fact that developed the principles of their creation and implementation attributed directly only to the federal target programs [2].

   Recognizing the exceptional social importance of the target program planning, it is necessary to note that the target program is not intended to serve as an instrument of redistribution of resources. Their object is to be a way to solve social and economic problems which cannot be solved in other ways [3].

   Currently the program-target method becomes an essential element of planning both at the state and municipal level.

   The program-target method stands a methodological basis of state and municipal government as a result the gradual transition to "program-based budgeting" according to which the main part of the budget is implemented through target programs.

   In the application program target method we can identify the following problems of implementation of this approach today: still failed to establish a system of methodological approaches and algorithms describing the stages of the development and maintenance of the main components of target programs, the deficit of the methods of current and final evaluation of the effectiveness of programs and development in the framework of the program activities response to the possible risks [1].

   In addition it is also necessary to develop a methodology estimates made to the process of implementing the changes, the results of which could be taken into account in the overall assessment of the quality of the planning and effectiveness of programs. The practice shows that some of the program throughout its implementation is undergoing significant changes.


List of references

1.      Potorochenko N.A. Nekotorye aspekty  programmno-tselevogo metoda planirovaniya i upravliniya sotsialno- ekonomicheskim razvitiem [Some aspects the use of program-target method of planning and management of socio- economic development] /N.A. Potorochenko // Vlast - 2013.№10. P. 96-100

2.      Raizberg B.A. Programmno-tselevoe plannirovanie i upravlenie [Program-target planning and management] / B.A. Raizberg. M.: INFRA-M, 2002. -428 p.

3.      Timofeev A. Gosudarstvennye programmy: otlichitelnye osobennosti [State programs: distinguishing features] [electronic resource] URL: http://www.gosman.ru/economics?news=25545 (date of treatment 05/10/2015)