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09 марта 2016г.


Today‘s world is changing very fast. Globalizat ion of basic processes and integration of national economies have become the features of social develop ment. In such world, information is not just the ma in means of achieving success, but also it is a key factor of competitiveness. Info -communications have become a part of business that provides domestic and international flo w of info rmation into the process of mak ing and supporting business decisions.

The volume of informat ion transmitted through the informational and teleco mmun icational infrastructure doubles every two or three years, which reinforces the significance of info -co mmun ications at the companies and at the whole world econo my as well. Active using of info -co mmun icational technologies provides a transition to an information society where informat ion becomes the most important economic resource.

Today info-communications are developing faster than economics in most countries. The period from the end of the twentieth till the beginning of the twenty-first century has been the time of fast technological changes in the info - communicat ional industry. Manufacturers and operators have offered their consumers a variety of new services and devices. Most technological innovations are in high demand with the public, corporations and states. Thus, an incredible technological breakthrough in the supply field means fast growth of both traditional and new services. Such breakthrough allo wed the market of info-co mmunicat ional services to increase several times for the last fifteen years.

Regulation of the industry plays an important role in the development of info -co mmun icational technologies. Fast development of technologies has connected info-commun ications and informat ion technologies (IT) and today these two industries are  considered and regulated as one. Technological development  of informational and teleco mmunicational space forces to correct existing regulatory environment constantly and forms new ways of creating the best conditions for industrial development  in the context of constant technological innovations.

The Russian market of info-co mmunicat ional services is one of the most dynamic in the world and the field of info-co mmunicat ions is one of the leading industries in terms of gro wth in Russia and it grows even faster than the oil and gas industry as well as the metallurgy industry. Now most of the policies and programs of Russian economy development agree that for constant non commodity e xtensive development the mobilizat ion of Russian innovation potential is required.

Info-co mmunications are the main part of the innovation economy that ensures the flow of information. That's why the development of info-co mmun ications is the foundation of a new innovation economy of Russia.

Info-co mmunicational co mpanies, the number of which is growing rapidly in Russia, have certain industrial features that distinguish them fro m other business objects. However, some business factors of the internal environment of info-co mmunicat ional companies as well as manage ment factors are typical. Consequently, the main part of this article considers modern manage ment components of info -co mmunicational enterprises without focusing on the features of the industry, because the specific character of the industry often has a private character not supported by the mass trends.

Main part

The role of info-co mmun ications in the system of socia l div ision of work is in transmition of various types of informat ion. Speaking about the difference between informational and natural resources it should be noted that informat ional resources do not exhaust but enrich, they improve in quality and even pro mote the optima l using of a ll other resources.

Today we can see a transition to a qualitatively new stage in the development of informat ion technology - to the informat ional globalization of the society.

Formation of the info-communicat ional product has been changed with the development of scientific and technological progress in the industry (pic.1.1-1.3).

The first generation of radio access systems includes analog means of access to the  analog automatic telephone e xchanges (PABX-Private Automatic Branch eXchange) through the public switched telephone network (PSTN). In most of cases there are narrow-band systems that allow to connect dozens or hundreds of telephone channels. Usually they are used as radio extenders of links between PABX and telephone (SLT-Standard Link Telephone). The frequency range of analog radio extenders was up to 1 GHz. This system allowed to connect to PSTN via a single base station (BS) possible to ma ke mu ltip le independent connections. In Russia radio access to PABX was carried out through a system ca lled "Altai" in the range of 300 MHz.

In the second generation quality require ments for voice have risen and appearance of data transmission resulted to the creation of digital narrow-band wire less systems accessible to digital and  analog PABX. In general, wire less local loop systems (WLL) of this generation were aimed at creating a high -quality telephone network among the participants of the network (AS). Data transmission was understood as an optional service but not the main one due to insufficient development of computer networks and low demand of data transmission. WLL litera lly means "cordless local loop". Wireless access systems refer to radio co mmunicat ion systems with mu ltip le accesses used in the area between the fixed user termina ls (STL) and PA BX, instead of a wired part of PSTN. As soon as personal computers (PC) have become widespread, the task of combin ing them into local and large networks has appeared. Along with creating wired networks (Ethernet) the possibility of realizat ion of wire less networks (Radio Ethernet) has become u rgent which would have the ideology of local wired networks.

The third generation systems are an origin of communication mechanisms (voice, data and video) with the help of packaging switching. Such systems were focused on the transmission of data and voic e services with the connection to the PSTN and public data networks (PDN). The main e le ments of such model will be given after the presentation of modern info-co mmunicat ion technologies and services in order not to break the path of scientific and technolo gical progress of the mentioned industry.

The global informational in frastructure, which includes the national infrastructure of the world, should become the technical foundation of the global informational society. Each informat ional infrastruc ture consists of communicational networks and diffe rent informat ional equip ment. Improving the quality and inc reasing the number of te leco mmunicational and informational services accelerate the convergence of telecommunicational and   informat ional systems i nto   a single info-teleco mmun icational infrastructure. All of this signifies an important role of systems and means of info- communicat ions that provide user access to informational resources at the right time , in the right place and in the required format.

Trends of the development of the Russian domestic ma rket a re the following:

· growth of the market of virtual networks for corporate c lients;

· growth of the market of processing financial t ransactions in the retail sector;

· development of a program called "Virtual Russia" at the corporate and consumer levels (Live project called " Virtual Russia» (www.v-russia.com) is an analogue of the Russian state, copying  the actual social, politica l and economic situation of our country. "Virtual Russia" was established in 2008. In "Virtual Russia" one can build a career, make a fa mily, travel, part icipate in the political race and become an honorary citizen, a deputy, a mayor and even a minister. The nu mber o f c ities partic ipating in this project is fifteen - it is a virtual representation of real cit ies: Moscow, Izhevsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, etc.);

· integration of fixed and mobile co mmun ications;

· development of new technologies in the Russian info -communications, such  as Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) and Wi-MAX (Worldwide Interoperability for M icrowave Access - telecommunicat ional technology designed to provide universal wireless communication over long distances for a wide range of devices) technologies.

Impacts on different communicational structures can be divided into four groups of factors:

· mac roeconomic;

· conceptual and technical;

· social;

· ma rket.

Modern classification of info-co mmunicational products and services is shown in pic. 1.4. Info -co mmunicational products are divided into two groups: technologies and services. Technologies include both new and traditional methods of commun ication:

· digital radio access systems with code division channels;

· digital synchronous hierarchy;

· asynchronous transfer method;

· user radio access.

Services in the class ifications (see pic. 1.4) are d ivided according to the principle of used technologies. Today the ma in ones are the following:

· mobile networks;

· tele matic services;

· internet and telephony.

3G-technologies of mobile co mmunication (third generation techn ologies) is a set of services that combines high - speed mobile access to the Internet services and radio technology which creates a data transmission channel. Today this term often means UMTS technology. The third generation of radio access systems is based on the packaging of transmitting data. 3G networks operate at the UHF (u ltra high frequencies) range, typically at the range of about 2 GHz, transmitting data at the speeds up to 3.2 Mbit /s. Such networks allo w to organize video telephony, to watch movies and TV shows at your mobile phone and the like. 3G includes five standards of the IMT -2000 fa mily: UMTS (Universal Mobile Teleco mmun ications System)/WCDMA (W ideband Code Division Multip le Access - broadband multiple access with code division), CDMA2000/IMT-M C, TD-CDMA/TD-SCDMA (the  standard of China), DECT and UWC- 136.

The most-used in the world standards are UMTS (or W CDMA) and CDMA2000(450) (IMT -M C), which are based on the same technology - CDMA.

Tele matic services (TM services) fro m the classificat io n are the services of telecommunicat ion (e xcept for telephone, telegraph and data services) used for transmitting information via telecommun icational networks. Exa mp les of TM services are the following: fa x services, services of electronic or voice messages, services of audio/ video conferencing and services for accessing data that is stored in an electronic form.

IP-te lephony is becoming more co mmon in modern life . IP-telephony is a technology that uses IP as  the main means of transmitting the voice. One more acronym to name this phenomenon is VoIP wh ich stands for Voice over IP (internet protocol). To transmit a signal fro m phone to phone special devices are required - IP-gateways. With their help data transmits fro m one network type to another. IP-gateways or IP-servers have the following features: fro m one hand, they are connected with the phone lines and can be connected to any phone in the world, and fro m the other hand, they are connected to the Internet and could make a connection with any computer connected to the Internet. So, a phone signal is digitized, co mpressed, broken up into packets and sent by IP-gateway through the IP-based network to the destination by using the protocol TCP/IP. Then  the signal passes through another gateway  where it is converted  to the phone signal again. One of the ma in advantages of IP-telephony is a lower cost of communication. Furthermo re, the distance between users does not affect the price. The difference is especially noticeable during international negotiations. With IP-telephony negotiations are ten times cheaper.


Analyzing the variety of info-commun icational innovative products and services available at the present stage of industrial development and of the whole national economy we can conclude that th e industry is characterized by the consumer market. Th is is due to the high level o f industry competition and to the variety of services. Consequently, manage ment require ments to a  telecommun icational co mpany are  h igher than they have  ever been before. The refore, e xperts and leaders of info-co mmun ications should not only have a high level o f professional train ing, but also have general management skill.