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25 февраля 2017г.

Motivation is one of the most complex and worthwhile problems, as its study is directly related to human activity source search, those motive forces by which any activity is carried and direction of human behavior is determined.

The term “motivation” has been successfully used in psychological, humanitarian and social sciences. It is considered as the basis of any activity, as it contains the mechanism of personal activity, the interest of the person in action. In the broadest sense, motivation refers to the process of self-inducing, stimulating and adapting of persons to work to achieve stated purpose [2, 8, 10, 12]. Precisely from the point of view of motivation it is possible to speak about the focus of the individual to meet his needs, requests, the formation of activity in the work, and the determination of his life-orientation. As a prominent psychiatrist, neuropathologist and psychologist V.N. Myasischev points out, the results which a person reaches in his life, only 20-30% depends on the intelligence, and 70-80% on the motives which induce him/her to behave in a certain way [7].

The word "motive", "motivation" comes from the Latin «moveo» – to move, to set in motion. So it is called various mental experiences that stimulate and direct the person to an activity or delay it. Motivational sphere of personality includes psychological criteria: needs, motives, interests, beliefs, purposes, emotions, volition. The most important driving force of personality development is needs. The highest need is in labor. It is the main in the structure of professional activity and has always been a distinctive feature of the teacher [8]. It is peculiar for the teacher of physical education to have needs in sports and pedagogical activities, in pupils training, in knowledge and self-education, which can be regarded as the most important conditions of pedagogical abilities formation [1, 4, 5, 13]. Needs are the source but not the only element in the structure of human behavior motivation. Needs only stimulate to activity, but they are not yet able to give certain direction to activity. It requires the presence of the subject of needs gratification [9, 14]. If needs are the essence of all kinds of human activity, then the motives are the specific content of this essence, being the center of the personality. Considering the concrete forms of expression of human needs, K.M. Gurevich distinguishes the following: 1) interest – the need for cognition; 2) tendency – the need for activity; 3) worldview – the need for a certain comprehension of environment; 4) belief – the need to defend the comprehension of reality [6]. However interest often precedes the need and causes it. For example, interest in physical education can cause the students’ need for daily performing morning exercises and it can become a necessary activity in any age during all their life. Interest is usually understood as a cognitive orientation of the personality, and also constant tendency of the person to a certain kind of activity. An important condition for human development is the breadth of interests to the surrounding reality. With age, the variety of youth interests receives concrete expression in the professional interest [1, 3, 11, 15]. For example, interest in physical culture and sport, tendency to training in high school and then physical education of children, the ambition to perfection in the work make up the internal conditions to generate love for sports-pedagogical activity of the teacher.

Human behavior is typically induced by many motives, which are interconnected in complex relationships. Motives are closely linked with the objectives of individual activity. Motive induces a person to purpose setting and is realized through it. The purposefulness of activity is one of the principal features of personality. Purpose presupposes an ideal anticipation of the forthcoming activity result (due to the potential human capabilities). If the activity is complex, difficult, unpleasant, then it is carried out only under the influence of purpose and this is one of its most important functions. It is accepted to distinguish two kinds of purposes – ideal and real. The first ones stimulate the second ones. While ideal and real purposes ("I want" and "I can") are not disjoint, we can talk about psychological immaturity of personality. Maturity implies high ideal aspirations and conscientious performance of the tasks for these aspirations [10]. Any purposeful action that is associated with the overcoming of difficulties is volitional. Volition is expressed in conscious goal setting (sense of purpose), resolving to achieve it and in active overcoming barriers on the way to the purpose. Only a presence of volition allows a person to act in the direction of consciously set purposes. Volition closely interacts with human cognitive activity (perception, memory, thinking, imagination). It is the most important property of the abilities, which are formed in persistent labour. Moral and volitional qualities can compensate for the lack of a number of other qualities.

Moreover, volition has a link with human emotions. Enthusiasm and persistence as specific forms of emotion and volition manifestation are something from which the teacher activity starts. The predominance of volitional traits determines the strength of character. The character represents a part of personality structure, which includes quite pronounced features. Leading characterological properties of a teacher are demanding in regard to students and their respect. In general, the uniqueness of the human personality consists of the interaction of mentioned features [4]. The most important element of a person's motivation is a worldview, i.e. an ordered system of beliefs of a person to the reality; as if it unites all the motives and serves as the supreme regulator of behavior. An integral part of the worldview is the conviction, the firm belief in the truth of the opinions, the readiness to realize them in the activity, overcoming difficulties and barriers on the way to them. Under the influence of worldview and belief at the expert the highest level of motivation is formed – an ideal, in the concentrated form expressing a person's view on the profession.

Thus, the success of the pedagogical work is determined by the knowledge, skills and personal qualities of the teacher. Personality is expressed in the motives of its activity. Motivational sphere of personality of the teacher of physical education is made by interest in physical culture and sport, tendency to pedagogical work in this field, aspiration to continuous improvement, call of duty and responsibility for assigned work, belief in the importance of physical education of students. Pedagogical skills can be considered as personality trait based on the unity of scientific knowledge and methodical art with the leading value of motivation of professional activity.

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