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18 февраля 2018г.

В статье рассматривается понятие личности в учениях Ходжа Ахмета Ясауи. Опираясь на труд мыслителя «Диуани Хикмет», раскрывается значимость прохождения следующих ступеней (этапов): шариат, тарихат, марипат, хакикат - на пути к формированию личности. Воззрения Ясауи о сущности «Совершенного человека» излагаются в соответствии с нынешними требованиями.

Ключевые слова: личность, совершенный человек, религия, шариат, тарихат, марипат, хакикат.


The article deals with the concept of personality in Khoja Ahmed Yassawi beliefs. Drawing on the work of the thinker “Diuani Hikmet”, it reveals the significance of the following steps (stages): Sharia, Tarikat, Maripat, Hakikat - on the way to the formation of personality. Yassawi beliefs about the nature of a “Perfect person” are set out in accordance with the current requirements.

Key words: personality, a perfect person, religion, Sharia, Tarikat, Maripat, Hakikat.

As we know that every time Turkic nations, among them Kazakh nation had the religious as a tool in the process of upbringing generation. In the middle ages from the writings of scientists, especially in the teaching of religious ideas whose origin is connected with the requirements provided for them. However, its viability and the consequences of religion in education without permission or attract the attention of it. In “Religion, society and international security” on convening the Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions in our country every year is proof of it. In this kuryltai Nazarbayev made a report, which said, “may be relevant not only in the Global context the role of world and traditional religions than did the person becomes a key factor in the preservation of their spiritual and keep a real treasure. The deeper integration of human, religion, and land has been a rescuing filter that has saved my people for hundreds of years. Kazakhs learned from books that they would not be missing from the book”, - he emphasized in today's globalization of education that the need for religion and faith, which deprives young people of the essentials of their own identity, is further clarified [1].

In today's society, young people are learning about the world’s knowledge and experience, and they also embrace religious principles. Looking at the history of human society, we can see that they have not lived a life of immortality. Human beings, both individually and socially, have been in need of religion. Because belief in religion is a quality that exists in the nature and nature of man. Religion - in the human lives of a number of years is the waterfowl and waterfowl life has become a leggings and a mirror of the boat that leads to the goal of the boat on the river. Therefore, when it comes to the tradition of the Turkic peoples, including the Kazakh people, it is impossible to break the law of Islam - the Shari'ah. After all, the Shari'ah has long been influenced by the lifestyle of our people and the upbringing of our offspring. Today, it is important to become acquainted with the heritage of Khodja Ahmet Yassawi, who made a personal contribution to the upbringing of young people through such religious concepts and who laid down the foundations for humanity, and its application and use in teaching. At any stage of the society, the problem of bringing up a citizen worthy of a society is not on the agenda. The subject of this problem is the content of the work of Khodja Ahmet Yassawi's “Diuani Hikmet” by scholar Khodja Ahmet Yassawi, who lived in XII century, devoted his life to propagation of Sufism teachings. K.A. Yassawi, by promoting the religion through religion, lovingly and honestly, promoted the idea of the perfect man and what tests he must undergo to form it. The opinions and analyzes on this subject are being thoroughly considered in the research of scientists in the field of pedagogy. In any of them, K. Yassawi’s appreciation of the doctrine of the Sufist doctrine is that the idea of a perfect human being [2].

The work of Khodja Ahmed Yassawi is a distinctive feature of the spread of Islam in the Kazakh land to the general public. His favorite book is “Diuani Hikmet”. Nevertheless, Khodja Ahmed Yassawi attributed his actions, behavior and attitudes towards Islam, and did not object to each other. Before Islam, the beliefs that had entered into the minds of the people were adapted to Islam. The essay was written in the ancient Turkic (Chagatai) language to the local people. Thus, Islam has made religion closer to the people. From the perspective of K.A. Yassawi, he must speak with the truth and unite with the mind of the world in order to achieve perfect humanity. To do this, he offers a way to live in four stages. We can read it from his thoughts on the following verses: Until the Sharia garments take on the roots of history, until they enter into the world of thought, they can not enter the battlefield of truth, - only the achievement of the knowledge is that man is perfect and his way is a difficult path [3]. If we give each one a personal interpretation, the first is a common Shariah path to all. This is the creation of the Creator, in his own words, to fulfill the commandments of the human being, which are spoken of in the Quran, and not to lie, to steal and to act without causing any harm to anyone.

The second, the way of the Tarikat. This stage is not compulsory for anyone, but it is impossible to achieve the truth without falling into the straight path. You will not be able to attain perfection, without being overwhelmed by self-indulgence and self-indulgence, without searching for hard work, suffering, or suffering. Of course, the one who chose this path should be taught a teacher. In this story, a person calls for self-restraint and further perfection, by propagating the idea of love and love through his true qualities. The way of history suggests that “He knows himself, because he knows God, is frightened of God”.

The third way maripat. This is the beginning of a person's knowledge, knowledge of the world, as a result of his hard work, without being overwhelmed with pain. “Knowledge-bearing fruit-bearing tree” explains that only a person who works hard will have the right to work. There are two ways in which we can worship God: 1. Believing in God, asking for God to accomplish his dreams. The main purpose of humanity is to reach the highest level of human self-realization through self-awareness and perfection.

The Fourth way of saying Hakikat is the union of the absolute intelligence with the world that has created mankind. Anyone who has reached this level considers that the whole universe is blamed on the subject and that he can find the answer to all of God's requirements [4]. Thus, by showing the path to happiness, it also clarifies the qualities that define it and explains that in every way human beings have the qualities they need to develop and develop. K.A. Yassawi’s views of Haq's pathway to the spiritual development of humanity has put the humanity in the leading position and raised the holiness of a generous soul to a new level. The kind of love that God has for man is so appealing, immaculate and infinite, he also described in his words differently about the need for a human being to love God, - like this pointed Yassawi followers. K.A. Yassawi continued the idea of “mature man” in Muslim tradition, and realized that his image could be developed through restraint, satisfaction, love, and knowledge. Through these criteria, the goal was to formulate the moral and ethical requirements of a mature person [5]. In his world view, Yassawi's seven stages of humanity or seven types of human beings are reflected in different symbols. They portray them as a soul, a depressed soul, an enthusiastic soul, a calm heart, a soul that is spiritually conscious, a soul and a perfect soul. The most important way of spiritual maturity is to think of goodness and charity. Only then is the brotherhood formed, developed, and evident in action. Anyone who does good will only draw ever closer to him. In the course of human life, one gets closer to the purity of the heart by virtue of good behavior and ignorance. For Khodja Ahmed Yasawi, a human being, humanity means “not caring for the world, but with the help of someone else”, and ignorance is to refrain from giving up. The ignorant is frustrated, the tongue is bitter and self-inflicted. That is why it really does not respect the love of the citizens, it does not respect the lovers, it does not listen to the people with their cynicism and does not listen to what the learned people know. The mischief is abundant, and there is no good trace of it. It does not seem to be necessary for a person to search for knowledge, to spell the pursuit of happiness or the future. It says it does not care about paying for the orphanage, and it does not think.

The purity of man is evident in his desire, morality. It is the spiritual nuances of relief and compassion. Integrity-solidarity consists in unity, friendship, friendliness, hard work, understanding of beauty, as well as feeding on good and good character. It will be thankful for the faith. Such a person should not hurt anyone, and he will not be embarrassed. Sharia agrees with the laws of the Shariah, helps to overcome all doubts, promotes the avoidance of doubtful purposes, encourages rejection of evil and immoral acts. Thanksgiving is grateful to everyone. Only religion believes that humanity will erode the right path, and that in the absence of faith, violence and cruelty will prevail. From this point of view, it is obvious from the scholarly point of view that the priority of religion - orientation is that of all its educational outcomes. We have shown the step-by-step path of the idea of bringing a person to perfection in the context of family education in the context of K.A. Yassawi, as shown in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1 - Stepped Steps to the Succession of a Person in the View of K.A. Yassawi

The above-mentioned formulation of research suggests that the origin of education in the viewpoint of K.A. Yassawi is in the family, and that the basis for the organization of educational activities is in education. Therefore, spirituality is the basis of human existence.

The idea of Khodja Ahmed Yasawi's idea of “The perfect person” reflects the essence of today's concept of “Competent Person”. Everyone should be worthy of his time. Thus, the mature person in the Yassawi era needs to be taken into account today and in the formation of a competitive person.



1. Another step towards inter-religious understanding. Speech of N. Nazarbayev at II Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Astana. // President and people. -2006; - No. 37 (052). -1 p.

2. Yassawi Khodja Ahmet. The sofa is a wizard. - Almaty, 1993. - 260 p.

3. Khodja Ahmed Yassawi. Hikmetler / Translated by A.Zhamishovich. - Almaty: Art, 1995. - 208 p. 

4.Egeubayev А. K. “People's Book”. Monograph. - Almaty: Mother tongue. 1998. - Article 320

5. Moldabekov Zh. Spiritual personality - one in history. // School of Kazakhstan. - Almaty. - №7. - 4 p.