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16 февраля 2019г.

Market conditions of management assume the free movement of capital and goods, the spontaneous formation of relations between the participants of the reproductive process, natural and value proportions. Private capital, having proved the economic efficiency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the same time, is not able to solve many global socio-economic problems of the development of the country. Therefore, the state carries out direct and indirect regulation of the economy and social sphere. The most optimal variant of regulation in a transit economy is the use of those and other methods in different proportions, taking into account the specific conditions of social reproduction. Direct intervention in the country's economy is carried out through legislative and other regulatory acts, while indirect regulation is carried out through monetary and financial policies and in the implementation of which the state budget plays a central role.

At the same time, the main levers of state influence on budget policy are tax rates and benefits that affect the volume of production, supply, and demand for certain types of goods and services. At making expenditures, the state finances social and economic programs that promote the development of industries and regions, change the structure of production, allocate subsidies, subventions, budget loans to budgets of other levels, individual industries and enterprises. The state uses various economic, financial, monetary and administrative methods of influencing the country's economy, one of which is budget policy.

The budget policy reflects most fully the economic content of the state’s financial policy on mobilizing financial resources accumulated as a result of completed reproduction cycles, their distribution, and use in accordance with the socio-economic priorities of state development. The basic principle of regulation of the movement of financial flows is to achieve a compromise of the interests of all participants in the reproduction process, aimed at increasing total consumption. State regulation of the economy through budget policy seeks to provide the necessary mode of market transformation of economic transformations. The idea of the scale of state regulation in the world gives the share of gross domestic product, redistributed through the aggregate budget and non-budget funds [1, p. 9-10].

The effectiveness of the budget policy is determined by the execution of such components as the level of budget revenues, the degree of fulfillment of budgetary obligations, the management of budget deficits and public debt in the process of functioning inter-budgetary relations. The interrelation of budgets of various levels is based on the functioning of a specific mechanism for developing budgets, reviewing, approving, executing, controlling, reporting on budget execution [3, p. 128-130].

If in developed countries, centrifugal trends in the financial sphere and the expansion of powerful integration processes in terms of creating a single monetary and financial system are clearly observed, in the post- Soviet states at the present stage of development of market relations, the need to form sovereignization and self- financing of local levels of the financial system, strengthening the importance of sources of financing local budget programs for increasing the socio-economic potential of regions.

At forming the budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan, all incomes and expenses are taken into account, including funds for special purpose funds included in the budget. The process of formation and use of extra- budgetary funds is regulated by law [2, p. 5-9].

Official transfers (grants) consist of:

·                                         internal official transfers, including those received from executive bodies;

·                                         external official transfers received from international organizations and foreign countries. In order to ensure a balance of revenues and expenditures of regional (cities of republican significance)

budgets, the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Republican budget for the next fiscal year provides for allocations from national taxes and fees to the budgets of regions and cities of republican significance, as well as allocation of subventions from the Republican budget.

On December 26, 2007, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved a Concept for the implementation of a state-of-the-art results-based state planning system, which reflects the main approaches and principles for the phased formation and implementation of an effectively functioning new state planning model in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The strategic direction is the introduction and system development of state planning results-based on the principles of corporate governance, effectiveness, transparency and accountability to the public.

Local budget policy is becoming more focused on the growth of the material level and the improvement of the quality of life on the basis of sustainable economic growth, the restoration and increase of domestic production, and the increase in the employment of the able-bodied population (Figure 1)

In accordance with the Concept on the implementation of the results-based state planning system in the medium term, the main priorities are.

First-priority. To direct the activities of the executive bodies financed from the local budget towards the achievement of the strategic goals and objectives of the state and the region, the achievement of the planned results. Ensure the annual development by the executive bodies, financed from the local budget, of strategic plans for the medium period. Strategic plans are based on strategic and program documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state programs, the Regional Development Strategy, draft socio-economic development forecasts and budget parameters for the medium period. The achievement of strategic goals and the solution of tasks defined in the strategic plans of the executive bodies financed from the local budget is implemented through a system of complex measures that are combined into budget programs.

Second priority. Formation of the budget based on the objectives and planned results of public policy. Budget programs should determine the direction of budget expenditures, interlinked with the strategic directions, goals, objectives, performance indicators defined in the strategic plan of the executive bodies financed from the local budget, should contain indicators of results and the necessary scope of funding.

It is necessary to ensure that budget expenditures are tied to specific state services and results, and the full cost of public services is determined.

Comprehensive implementation of measures will allow to achieve the following results:

1) increasing the focus of the budget field on the needs of the population (taking into account the views of residents of the region in the formation of the budget and the organization of services, increasing the publicity of the budget process and accountability to the population);

2) increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures by focusing on the results, quality of public services and the degree of satisfaction of the population of the region;

3) improving the organization of the executive bodies;

4) strengthening the responsibility of state bodies for the final result;

5) reducing risks and improving the sustainability of the budget system.




List of references


1. Baimuratov U. "Budget policy: common standards and requirements " Karzhy-Karazhat №6, 2004

2. Iskhakova B.P. “Results-based budgeting - as a way to increase the effectiveness of budget expenditures on social protection of the population” Karzhy-Karazhat No. 2, 2004

3. Kelimbetov K., Ospanov K. "Strategic directions for further development of the budget system in the Republic of Kazakhstan" Analytic №1, January 2001