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13 февраля 2016г.

Teaching theory has long been based on passive methods of storing and subsequent reproduction of educational material. The search for new ways of teaching leads to the fact that the educational process focuses on the students, assigned to the need to solve specific problems, it is facing directly to them, doesn’t limit to just one message information on certain issues.

It is proved that the results of teaching are directly dependent on the position that takes the learner, and from the "psychological climate" which surrounds it.

Among the important tasks of education system, exploration and development of organizational education process occupies particular place, which will allow not only effectively generate the necessary amount of students' theoretical knowledge, practical skills, but also specifically to develop their intellectual skills, the desire for self-education and self- improvement. It is known that the solution of these problems contribute to increased individualization of teaching.

The form of teaching as a didactic category refers to the outside of the organization of educational process, which related to the number of students, time and place of teaching.

The form organizational studying is associated with organization forms of learning activities or forms of teaching. Under the forms of teaching, we understand kinds of student’s interaction with each other and with the trainees in the course of one session, aimed at intensifying and individualization of the learning process [2].

In recent years, studying organization forms of teaching, in forms of teaching more and more attention is paid to the group training activities. Thus, according to V.K. Dyachenko [1], the organizational structure of group teaching methods could be combined, that is, contain a variety of forms: group teaching (where one teaches many), in pairs, individually.

The source of idea collective way of training (CWT) the method has developed and tested by Professor A.G. Rivin in 1918-1930 years on twentieth century. A.G. Rivin suggested studies of educational texts in paragraphs, retelling the content in dialogical conversation ("dialogic combinations") and an individual report on the study or report in the group. Students of A.G. Rivin have worked in pairs, the composition of which is constantly changing: all of them worked with a lot of them by turns. Such work M.N. Skatkin and V.K. Dyachenko have called work in pairs exchangeable structure [4].

Student’s problem of intensification of informative and communicative activities working in pairs solved by Professor E.S. Polat. She has developed a detailed method work in pairs at foreign language lessons [3].

"By working in pairs" means the preferred form of employment, in which students in groups are divided into pairs, working together on educational material, in mutual dependence on an agreed among themselves to plan or work order. Assignments may be for all of the pairs or groups of the same or different. Working in pairs characterized by the direct interaction between the learners and their joint activities.

At the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of the South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy in the educational process are used elements of the collective way of teaching. In the course "Analytical Chemistry" laboratory workshops on "Titrimetric methods of analysis," the course "Inorganic Chemistry" all laboratory studies conducted using the method "Work in pairs." This organization of classes provides help students to understand the theoretical foundations of quantitative analysis purchase of practical skills of independent work and mastery of technique all operations of quantitative analysis that are necessary for further study of core subjects and future career specialist.

Work in pairs as a form of collective activity - a way of organizing the joint efforts of students to address delivered in the classroom teaching and learning objectives as a group (joint scheduling of training and labor operations, discussion and choice of ways of solving educational problems, mutual assistance and cooperation in the process of labor).

The allocation of students into pairs, we were guided by the following principles: ask students to pay; before the classes start we can test students, by the results we can divide them into two groups (strengths and weaknesses) and combine one person from each group; teacher distributes couples, sharing inactive and conflict of students; students by themselves write in a piece of paper, with whom they would like to work, and then create a pair.

The qualitative composition of the group determines how effectively students will interact in the process of joint activities, as successfully cope with the task. Successfully matched the composition of the group is in itself creates a motivation for  interaction of  its members.  In the formation leading pairs are  following criteria:  different training opportunities (level of training); Psychological Compatibility students (interpersonal relationships, temperament).

Students should complement each other, if necessary, to be able to give each other assistance.

The breakdown of the group carried out promptly on the lesson or as a rule, worked out on the basis of a contract between the teacher and students at the beginning of the specific training period (training week semester, semester, year).

Positive working moments in pairs are as follows:

1)     actively involved in the work of all students; conditions for mutual assistance in the process of which they themselves are studying an individual approach;

2)    developing and strengthening the skills of teamwork;

3)    the uptake of the new material is better, students increasingly aware of the issues studied in the course of work in pairs, including as a mandatory element of the individual performance of each student of the tasks performed;

4)    the results of individual work are the subject of the whole group, which leads to finding and correcting errors and makes it easier to consolidate and improve knowledge and skills.

While working in pairs the teacher performs a variety of functions: controls the progress of work in pairs, answers

questions, regulates dispute, the procedure works in the case of extreme necessity assists individual students or couple as a whole.

Self-control and mutual control in the course of working together in pairs at this stage does not replace supervision by the teacher. Students checking each other, help each other to correct the mistakes, if necessary explain them. Before a pair of task - to verify the correctness of each assignment.

While working together in pairs, students may have some difficulty in communicating with each other, which is likely due to a lack of communication culture of students themselves. It is also possible that some of the students do not realize the importance of their own efforts to achieve a common goal. To cooperation took place, it is necessary to teach students:

-   Interact in pairs with any partner or partners;

-   To work actively, seriously the tasks assigned;

-   Polite and friendly to chat with partners;

-   Feel a sense of responsibility not only for their own success, but also for the success of its partners, the whole group;

-   Fully aware that working together in pairs - a serious and responsible work.

Customization of the educational process activates the cognitive activity of the student and leads to a change in the role of a teacher with traditional controls in the management of external factors: the formation of plants, the definition of  the information environment, including individualized forms of the organization of training in the employment structure. This restructuring is aimed at improving the quality of education, ensuring "transparency" of the educational process, improvement of methodical support, increase the mobility of students and teachers.

Thus, the form of the organization of training activities as "work in pairs" in chemistry course contributes to the formation of skills, opportunities to improve the quality of teaching and academic performance of students.


List of references

1.      Дьяченко В.К. Организационная структура учебного процесса и ее развитие. –М.: Педагогика, 1989. -160 c.

2.      Петровская Л.А. Активные методы социально-психологического воздействия на коммуникативные процессы. //Общение и оптимизация совместной деятельности. /Под ред. Г.М. Андреевой, Я. Яноушека. – М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1987. c.74-85.

3.      Полат Е.С., Соловьева И.Ю. Давайте говорить по-английский: Пособие для работы в парах: Первый год обучения. В 2ч. –М.: Гуманит.изд. Центр ВЛАДОС, 2003. -Ч.1: А. -72 c.

4.      Скаткин М.Н. Проблемы современной дидактики. 2-e изд. –М.: Педагогика, 1984.-96 c.