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07 января 2016г.

    The world is globalizing at breathtaking pace, and so are the businesses. Recruitment agencies need to deal with people who have different worlds in their minds and express themselves in diverse ways. As a result, international teams are being formed to achieve various business’ goals. However, having an international team doesn’t yet guarantee success of a company. Having as many advantages as it can, an international team yet faces numerous problems that aren’t to be overlooked. Otherwise, the damage that can be created to a company may be much more devastating than the benefit of having a global team that fails to perform.

   Though every destination provides new hazards for mistakes, the challenges the company will encounter are relatively predictable and easily anticipated. The single greatest cause of difficulties in global business transactions is lack of appropriate people skills for relating to counterparts from other countries and cultures.

   Failures in global business are more insidious than acute. They seem small, but as they build up, they become lethal. Expecting others to speak one’s own language; assuming everyone is eager to adopt your ways; and not taking the time to establish effective relationships abroad can all undercut plans that have been carefully strategized at home. Generalizations about a national culture can be helpful in anticipating how people will act in unfamiliar settings, but it is improper to apply stereotypes to an entire nationality that is most likely as varied culturally and ethnically as your own. By inquiring about another culture, identifying its contribution, learning its core values and attendant behavior, and understanding the gaps between you and the average profile of the other culture, you can predict areas of potential conflict both with business partners and your own personal limits.

    Cultivating culture throughout a global workforce should be one of the leading factors considered when it comes to driving business results. Of course the corporate culture will be different in various countries, but identifying the importance of engaging employees is universal. Employees are after all the ones responsible for growth and revenue. Connecting to employees on a deeper level is necessary to achieving results and fostering engagement. The employees are a company’s competitive advantage. People will affect how company is perceived, spoken about, written about and reputed.

   Therefore, in the beginning of the XXI century we come to the point when company’s most important resources are actually people, working in an organization.

   The 2012 Global Workforce Study provides a comprehensive snapshot of the attitudes and concerns of workers around the world. It’s designed to shed light on how employees’ views affect their engagement in their work and commitment to their employers, and ultimately, their behavior and performance on the job. As such, it gives organizations and their leadership teams important insights into the elements of the work environment that help shape employee behavior and performance in positive ways. And it presents a new and  more robust definition of engagement — sustainable engagement — designed for the21st-century workplace.

   The data suggests that businesses appear to be at a critical tipping point in their ability to maintain engagement over time. While most are already running their businesses very differently in today’s highly interconnected global marketplace, a surprisingly large number don’t appear to be keeping pace in terms of how they’re managing and supporting the very people assigned to execute the work on the ground. Put starkly, they are running 21st-century businesses with 20th-century workplace practices and programs. And the cracks in the foundation are starting to show in both small and large ways.

     Among the key themes emerging from the study:

· Stress and anxiety about the future are common

· Security is taking precedence over almost everything

· Attracting employees is now largely about security

· Retaining employees has more to do with the quality of the work experience overall

· There are doubts about the level of interest and support coming from above

    Viewing the findings as a whole, two key points emerge. First, engagement, as traditionally defined, is not sufficient to give employers the sustained performance lift they need — or keep employees doing their work effectively in today’s pressured and fast-paced work environment. Second, the root of the problem lies in gaps in two critical areas that have become essential to sustainable engagement — and that organizations can close in cost-effective ways.

· The first gap is effectively enabling workers with internal support,resources and tools, which can take a variety of forms. These are helpfulsupervisor who prioritizes and organizes work, regardless of whether the employee is in front of him or her, or 1,000 miles away working at home or in a remote office. This is efficient technology that works: a collegial work team ready to jump in to help, online tools and processes that give remote or contract workers access to information and guidance to make good job-related decisions in real time.

· The second gap is creating an environment that’s energizing to work in because it promotes physical, emotional and social well-being. In such an environment, you can see and feel the pulse of activity — the intense discussions, lively video- or phone conferences, the groups working a project plan on an online whiteboard in real time. There’s stress, but it’s often what we call positive stress because it’s intellectually and emotionally rewarding and exciting. The current study brings into sharp relief the importance of enablement and energy in maintaining high levels of performance over time.

    The Global Workforce Study outlined the problems that employees through the world face in their work environment. The research showed what is important for employees and what would increase their engagement and positively affect performance. Now, this information can be applied to multicultural teams since their performance is compounded by these factors even to a greater extent and global teams show more sensitivity to these factors.

    The general conclusions that are drawn there find even more implications and importance in relation to international teams, where cultural sensitivity requires a more careful consideration of the areas which are important to employees on a global scale. And these are:

· Leadership

· Stress, balance, workload

· Goals and objectives

· Supervisors

· Organization’s image’

Thus, by carefully considering the areas which are most important to employees, managers can significantly improve performance of their teams, especially when the teams are composed of global workforce.

List of references

1.     Business insider [official website]. http://www.businessinsider.com/

2.     Ernest Gundling. Working Globe Smart

3.     Michael Gates. Recruitment across Cultures. Article, 2008

4.     Towers Watson 2012 Global Workforce Study