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06 марта 2016г.

As it is known the main aim of logistics is to deliver “required goods of required quality and in a required quantity to a destination point in time appointed by a consumer and it must be completed with the least costs. In this case logistics is considered effective and company gets competitive advantages and reduction of spending.

According to different estimates cost of transportation in general is 20-70 of total price of logistics services. Main parts of this cost are railway rate, cost of transshipment and road transportation.

In the Strategy of development of transport in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 it is mentioned that the share of expences is 15-20% against 7-8% in countries with developed market economy. This is connected with insufficient level of merchandising system as well as with factors like a large range of transportation and difficult weather conditions.

Generally functional structure of transport logistics has the form presented in picture 1.

Prevalence of piggy-back, multimodal and intermodal transportation can be justified by the possibility of compensation of particular disadvantages of different types of transport, using primary routes and kinds of transport on distinct sites of a route, and as a result it gives an opportunity to reduce transportation costs, time of shipping and to improve quality of transport service. Participation of several kinds of transport in freight transportation leads to essential synergetic effect, including economy of power resourses, decreasing harmful influence on the environment etc.

In particular, interaction of private transporters and joint-stock company RZD determines the following objectives:

1)   Complete, timely, high-quality maintenance of needs in freight transportation.

2)     Maintenance of optimal use of proper car’s fleet, transportation process in general due to application of transportation routing, maximal loading of car fleet, acceleration of its turnover.

3)   Attraction of additional freight volumes to transportation by railway transport.

Thus, organization of transportation process based on intellectual logistics, providing decreasing of costs on transportation, is possible only in cases when there are coordinators (operators) of transportation on key points between the following elements of the logistics chain:

1)   Client – railway – client;

2)   Client – railway – other kind of transport (intermodal and multimodal transportation);

3)   Client – railway – sea transport – (railway) –client. Wherein, in our opinion, coordinators can be represented by:

1)   Territorial firm centre of transport service;

2)   Logistics centers;

3)   River harbors and structures, connected with them;

4)   Newly created centers for coordination of intermodal transportation;

There is not any structure in the Russian Federation today, which would carry out an operational control of transportation in unified state transport system. Operative control of transport process is divided between control centers of different kinds of transport taking part in shipping. Therefore, in order to achieve the highest carrying capacity of railway transport and wide development of railway transportation, it is suggested to choose RZD as an initiator and founder of the system of intellectual logistics centers.

The main target of organizer and coordinator (it can be forwarding agent or logistics operator) of shipping process is to design transportation process in all details and to provide service synchronization of logistics chain participants. Implementation of this function is essential because it lets out freight owners from taking part in process, providing acceleration of transportation, costs decrease, reduction of losses by damage.

To generalize different interpreting this definition is given:

“Logistics centre – structure, uniting several companies and organizations (private, public, state), jointly using logistics infrastructure (transport, warehouse, and information systems) located on a certain territory under the control of head-company and by integrating, coordination of logistics activity, which provides added price for clients and participants.”

Experience of national and international transportation shows that full-value logistics service leads to large increase of costs, as a result of assets turnover’s acceleration, reduction  time wasted on unnecessary operations etc. It is necessary to create network of logistics centers of different levels for the provision for participants of transportation this kind of service. The main aim of these centers is synchronization of actions on multi-agent system of shipping, forming and offering of service complexes.

The main target of the creation of logistics centers is the increase of transport efficiency in RZD by the implementation of maintenance and implementation of logistics technologies of shipping process control in interaction of communicating kinds of transport, harbors, large industrial complexes and other participants of process; increase of technological and financial stability of RZD functioning on the transport service market.


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