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01 июня 2016г.


Aggression is a phenomenon which has been a topic of discussion of a rising interest at any occasion and in various contexts. There hardly exists a person who does not have a constructed idea of what aggression is although it denotes things of different origins and particularities. Aggression is mentioned in cases of war, sports races, international relations and in daily life.

Some authors treat aggression as a manifestation of inner pressure and anxiety. Others relate it to an innate impulse for destruction or they talk about it as a personal aspiration for a manifestation of superiority. Aggressive manifestations are various and they are directed towards one’s own personality or the family and the social environments. They can be observed at any age and in every situation. The contemporary lifestyle, the big pressure, the role models of an aggressive behaviour projected on the screen favour the manifestation of aggression as a way to solve problems and achieve the “desired” goals in a fast and certain manner.

The clarification of the reasons for the manifestation of aggression at a young age can contribute to a prevention of the development of aggression from an incidental manifestation to a constant value in human’s behaviour.

Up to the present moment the rise of aggression is being stimulated by the existing social crisis in society. People’s needs increase and the available incomes do not allow them to be adequately satisfied.

Family loyalty, as a stabilizing social factor, decreases significantly and this leads to the manifestation of unnatural for one’s personality ideas and actions.

A number of members of our society misinterprete the the notions of “freedom” and “democracy” and they deem that they justify tha manifestations of aggression. There is noticed a significant decrease of interest in numerous moral and social values which together would affect unfavourably the social development in future.

Taking into account the significance of this phenomenon in a personal as well as in a social aspect, we set as our goal to examine its state and to analyze the aspects of its manifestations. This serves as a precondition in the search for opportunities to create a more peaceful, meaningful and fuller life for the younger generation.

Purpose of the research- to evaluate the aggressive tendencies amongst the students living in the contemporary urbanized society and to clarify the particular measures for its prevention.


●   to clarify the degree and the type of aggressive tendencies and urges amongst the students

●   prevention of the aggressive behaviour in terms of a better socialization of the youth in the family and the social environment.

Logical unity of the research

Students at the age of 19-24 from the Department of “Nursing and midwifery cares”, Medical University-Plovdiv Indications of the research unity

● age

● sex

●social environment


● temperament

●personal qualities

●evaluation of the type of aggression Research methods

● Buss Durkee’s specialized inquiry;

●   method of examination

Conforming to the existing terms, the examination which was carried out, was:

● according to the time duration

● according to the experimenter’s participation

●according to the place- auditorium halls, studies, educational and training bases

●according to the manner of conduction- open

Research material are 80 female students from the section of “ Midwifery cares” at the age of 19-24. Methods for data analysis

● analytical-synthetic;

●tabular-graphical Results from the research

Buss Durkee’s specialized  inquiry containing 75  questions was conducted  amongst 80  from the section of “Midwifery cares” at the Department of “ Nursing and midwifery cares” at Medical University-Plovdiv.

Interpreting the statistic data , concluding from the accepted method for evaluation, we made a differentiation between the girls according to Buss Durkee’s scale using his classic methods according to which each scale has a general characteristic.

● body aggression- the strongest form of a particular manifestation of the aggressive intention

● verbal aggression- there are verbal comments aiming to inflict an insult

● indirect aggression- use of indirect ways for causing a damage

● defencive behaviour- typical characteristic feauture of puberty

● aggressive irritation- behaviour which speaks of neurotism

● aggressive mistrust- does not trust people, act suspiciously

● jealousy and hatred- behaviour showing egoism, revengefulness, result from a lack of self-esteem

●guilt after aggression- responsibility for one’s actions, feeling remorseful and incapable to self-regulate

●social posititivity or negativity- positive socialization or denial of everything in society.

Comparing the results from both scales, it appears that the share of the ones that have got into a scale from 1 to 3 with a particular manifestation of an aggressive intention is lower.

Young people take painfully the verbal attacks against their own personality or their family and to some extent they are affected by the behaviourist principle of stimulus-reaction.

What is revealing is the fact that they are ready for a braver aggressive attack if they have to defend a friend or another person.

The chart in the last two scales shows a higher degree of guilt after aggression and a tendency towards a positive socialization. The inquired students show a greater tolerance towards the others and a desire to end the conflicts in the most reasonable way.

We present a differentiation of the inquired contingent by the nine scales of Buss Durkee’s questionnaire. The data is presented in percents.



Body aggression



Verbal aggression



Indirect aggression



Defencive behaviour



Aggressive irritation



Aggressive mistrust



Jealousy and hatred



Guilt after Aggression



Social positivity and negativity




1.     The evaluation of the aggressive tendencies of the youth is of a paramount importance for their future behaviour and socialization in the contemporary society.

2.     It was proved that the verbal aggression is the dominating type amongst the inquired students.

3.     The aggressive tendencies are stimulated by the newly formed type of democratic relations and freedoms and by the changed social interrelations.

4.     The influence of the friend’s circle plays an emphasized role for the formation of the the aggressive behaviour.

5.     The evaluation of the degree and the type of aggressive readiness and disposition amongst the students enables us to mark the particular measures for a prevention of the aggressive behaviour.


List of references

1.     Адлер, А.- “ Възпитание на децата”- ИК „Здраве и щастие”, 2009

2.     Кирвил, Л.- „Формиране на агресивността у децата”- сп. „Компас”, кн. 3, 1994

3.     Серия  практика-  сборник,  „Антисоциално  поведение-  теория  и  терапия”,  Издателски  център  за психологична подкрепа, 2008

4.     Чавдаров, Д.- “Агресията”, Софийска академия, Изд. Проф.М. Дринов, 2008