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27 марта 2016г.

The world practice shows that because of the closer contact a midwife has with the patients of the specialized obstetrician sections, she is one of specialists favored for sharing the different sexology problems.

In the different countries midwives are not only treated as the primary counselors in these matters but they are also capable to cope successfully with a big part of the counseling tasks and the extremely important task to direct one to the specific expert he/she needs.

Each conversation with a patient contains a therapeutic potential. The degree to which it will be developed depends on the set goals. In some cases the act of listening and support are enough. The briefest definition for counseling is a help for self-help. One broader definition describes it as ―an interrelation which helps a person needing help to change himself/herself in a way that he/she finds it useful. This definition implies three important things. First- an interrelation which helps – the patient has to be at ease to talk openly and to feel safe and accepted in order to make sense of his/her problem. Second- instead of a treatment, there is offered a help for the desired change. And third- the patient decides on his own what the direction of this change will be.

One of the difficulties within a conversation is defining which of the interventions are successful and why exactly them. All experts from the counseling professions apply conversation even if it is not a major part of their practice as it is most often the case with the general practitioners, the nurses and the midwives. The key skill within a conversation is listening or giving a hearing. The goal is to listen carefully and to perceive the viewpoint of the patient and not to interprete, not to offer a detailed advice, not to hold one responsible and to instruct and criticize the patient. This difference is important because the conversation is often taken wrongly for other types of interventions including those during which the patient is told what to do or is suggested how to ―evaluate correctly‖ his/her state. A major thing with the conversation remains the act of establishing and keeping a relationship which helps people to talk openly about their problems, to realize them and discover ways for a change.

Sexology counseling requires an interdisciplinary team, most often including a doctor, a nurse/midwife and others who work within the system of health insurance and possess the required proficiency in order to respond to the needs of the patient.

The midwife has a key function in the integration and the perfection of the different specialists in the team as well as in establishing trustworthy relations with the patient. In order to perform effectively her role as an adviser in the sexology counseling team, the midwife has to enrich her narrow medical competency with knowledge and experience from the fields of psychology, social activities and other humanitarian disciplines.

Through the course of the sexology counseling the following procedures are performed:

1.     Process type procedures- having set as a goal to establish effective partnerships with the client and to mobilize his/her individual resources in order to cope with the sexology difficulties

-        Meeting and greeting the client

-        Introduction, esconcing

-        Creating a sense of safety and trust

-        Empathy and adequate reaction

-        Openness on the part of the counselor

-        Unconditional acceptance of the client

-        Getting a deep insight into the problem of the client

2.     Diagnostic procedures- they have for a goal to come up with a valid definition of the essence of the problem. This happens through the client’s participation.

-        Orientation into the character of the symptoms through listening, asking questions etc.

-        Clarifying the symptoms development

-        Interpretation and introduction into the emotional reactions of the symptoms

-        Orientation into the client’s family environment

-        Awareness of the client’s general health status

-        Directing to a specialist for additional tests when needed

-        Coming up with a hypothesis of the essence of the problem and its discussion with the client with the purpose of understanding and achieving an unanimity

3.     Interventionist procedures- they have for a goal to provoke a desire for the overcoming of the problem and for a better sexual health

-   Clarifying the client’s expectations

-   Analysis of the work done so far

-   Discussing and choosing the most suitable strategy for the overcoming of the problem

-   Distribution of the responsibilities

-   Determining the successive order of the actions

-   Defining the criteria for a success

-   Determining the preconditions for a success

-   Seeing a doctor when needed for a prescription of a medicine therapy

-   Setting the parameters of the next appointment (if it is necessary)

The sexology counseling of young people is a topic which gains speed and popularity as the youth with difficulties and problems in the sexual development rise in number. More and more young people encounter difficulties in labeling their identity and sexual orientation. This statistics provoked us to conduct a survey which should provide an information about the degree of willingness of the future specialists-midwives to work on the problems of the sexology counseling. The current research is conducted amongst 124 students from the ―Midwife‖ specialty through a direct anonymous survey within the period 2010-2014.

Purpose: The aim of the survey was to determine the level of knowledge of these future experts about the problems in sexology counseling and their willingness to work as counseling specialists.

Methods: Sociological survey, statistical analysis.

Results: The survey indicated that 66.23 % of the respondents are not familiar with the term ―sexology counseling‖. 71.42 % is the number of those who are ignorant of the tasks applied in the sexology counseling and 80.51 % of the young students are not familiar with the procedures conducted through the process of the sexology counseling. For 53.24% of the students, the most suitable from for acquiring new knowledge in the field of the sexology counseling is the work in small groups on exemplary tasks. 88.31 % of the young people believe that this special training should be performed within the current study schedule in family planning and sexology or medical psychology, otherwise it could be included as an elective course. 54.54 % declare their willingness to work in team groups on the problems of the sexology counseling but they felt they were not prepared enough for the work.

Conclusion: We suggest the insertion of a sexology counseling training course within the frames of the major of sexology and family planning on the grounds that there is a high percentage of students which are ignorant of these problems.


List of references

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