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13 декабря 2015г.

Since ancient times in many countries traditional healers, homeopaths, traditional medicine doctors, beauticians and even vets and pay particular attention to addressing important issues of women's health wonderful plant BLACK COHOSH (CIMICIFUGA). The literal translation (from the latin 'cimex' - bug and 'fago' - chase, "chasing bugs") with Black cohosh is often added the epithet "smelly" (because of the essential oil with a sharp odor Cimicifuga foetida is used as an insecticide) does not sound very feminine however, this plant is identified with a panacea for all the ills of purely female. Germany’s name Black Cohosh as "Silberkerzen" - "SILVER CANDLE" - apparently more accurately reflects the beauty of these majestic stately perennial herbaceous plant with elegant white-creamy-pink cohosh buds and beautiful ornamental coarsely toothed leaves [4, 7, 9].
The multifaceted healing properties of Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) have long been known and widely used all over the place (North-America, China, Korea, Mongolia, Western Siberia and Altai). Rich spectrum they contain biologically active compounds (phenols, tannins), alkaloids, glycosides and triterpenoid cycloartane triterpenoids (shengmanol, atsetilshengmanol), isoflavones formononetin, gum, isoferulic, and salicylic gesperetinovaya aromatic phenol carboxylic acids, essential oils, 15-20% cimicifugin (mixture of resins and bitterness), organic acid, saponin, phytosterol, sucrose, starch, carotene, iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium), and determines the pharmacological action of this polytropic plant. Now the drugs of Black Cohosh are used as an antihypertensive, diuretic, lipid-lowering, antioxidant, anti-mutagen, angioprotective, sedative, antispasmodic, expectorant, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic remedy. Still the main feature of the «women's medicine» is associated with the presence of proven estrogenic activity due to phytoestrogens [1, 4].
In XIX century american school teacher Lydia Pinkham created initially for personal use, and in 1876 patented a Black Cohosh-based «female tonic» for the women with pain and poor health during menstruation and menopause, and was very popular in America and Europe more than half a century. And later L.Pinkhem not only organized industrial production of this preparation, but also established the world's first specialized clinic [6]. The popularity of the Black Cohosh in Europe over the last 40 years has grown. In Germany it is the most used in the women's diseases plant, it is even recommended Komissiey E Federal Institute for the Study of Drug and Medical Technology (Kommission E, Bundesinstitut fur Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte) for the treatment of discomfort before menstruation, painful menstruation, and menopause symptoms [4].
Structural similarity to the chemical structure of the endogenous estrogen (estradiol-17-β) and the proximity to them by molecular weight allows phytoestrogens contact with β- and α-estrogen receptor of the hypothalamic neurons to the normalizing dopamine and serotonin metabolism. [1, 4].
Of the known classes of phytoestrogens in the Black Cohosh are found triterpene glycosides (2% aktein and tsimitsifugozid), phytosterols and isoflavones formononetin to the aromatic nucleus, the content of which is carried out and the standardization of the rhizomes and roots of the Black Cohosh [5].
As you know, the menopause is a natural and genetically programmed transition from the reproductive years to old age in the women’s life, but 40-60% of women over 40 years have of high incidence and severity of symptoms of deficiency of sex hormones significantly reduces their life’s quality, and turns in this period a kind of disease (in nosology ICD-10 № 95.1 menopausal and menopausal status of women). Currently, as a anticlimacteric drug the Black Cohosh is used not only in powders, extracts, water’s infusions and alcohol tinctures in home and officinal manufacturing, but also as a component of allopathic (Klimadinon, Klimadinon Uno, Klimaplant, Complivit for women 45 plus), homeopathic drugs (Klimaktoplan, Remens, Klimaksan, Sepia Comp) and nutritional parapharmaceutic (MenoFixTM, PerFem ForteTM, Altara Plus, Estrovel, Estro-Pause, VAG ForteTM, Ci-Clim, Lagy's formula Menopause Day-NightTM, Artemida, C-X NSP, Eight NSP, FC with Dong Quai NSP). Drugs with the Black Cohosh are included in the Public Registers, State forms of drugs, State Pharmacopoeia [1-4, 8].
This drugs are also classified to their composition: monophytodrugs, the main active ingredient of which is only a rhizome’s dry extract of Black Cohosh - Klimadinon, Klimadinon Uno, Klimaplant, Ci-Clim; combined phytocomplex containing various combinations of herbal ingredients (vitex sacred, soy, red clover, chinese angelica, dioscorea japonica, motherwort, st. John's, chickweed, marshmallow, mullein, elm rusty, yellow dock, ginseng, siberian ginseng, hops, rose, valerian, licorice, ginger, wild yam, nettle, angelica, sage, pepper, cayenne, dong-quai, etc.) - Altara Plus, VAG ForteTM, Lagy's formula Menopause Day- NightTM, C-X NSP, Eight NSP, FC with Dong Quai NSP; multivitamin-mineral phytocomplex additionally containing various vitamins (A, E, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, Bc, B9, B12, P, PP), and trace elements (Mg, Ca, Se, Fe, I, Zn, Cu) - Complivit for Women 45 Plus, MenoFixTM, PerFem ForteTM, Estrovel, Estro-Pause, Artemida Vision; and complex homeopathic drugs, witch containing secret cancer ink sac of cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, snake venom surukuku Lachesis mutus, honeybee Apis mellifica, beans Chinese Ignatia Stryshnos ignatii (Ignatia), Sanguinar Canadian Sanguinaria canadensis, pilokarpus (Jaborandi) in combination with Cimicifuga racemosa (Cimicifuga ) at dilutions D1, D2, D6, C200 - Klimaktoplan N, Remens, Klimaksan homeopathic, Sepia Comp Matrona.
Phytoestrogenic drugs of the Black Cohosh can be considered as one of the alternative methods of hormone replacement therapy of the menopausal disorders. And the benefits of low-dose phytoestrogens content with the position contraindications characteristics of the human estradiol (estrogen-dependent tumors, gynecological haemorrhages, liverpathy, thrombotic embolism, pregnancy) and side effects (proliferative activity in the myometrium, endometrium, breast and vaginal epithelium, increased thrombogenic potential of blood) [1-3, 8, 9].
When choosing herbal remedies should be guided by the modern concept of phytoneering, and allows it to standardize the content of phytoestrogens, to make drugs for the international GMP-standards and ensure a predictable controlled clinical effect. Klimadinon, Klimaplant, MenoFixTM, PerFem ForteTM, Estrovel, VAG ForteTM, Lagy's formula Menopause Day-NightTM and Ci- Clim are corresponded such criterias. It is crucial that the daily dose in these drugs is strictly correspond therapeutic (40 mg), and in addition non-standard drugs have dubious quality and dose in each capsule is initially exceeded 2,5! (100 mg). When comparing the cost of a course of applying the most profitable companies look preparations by Bionorica (Germany), Santegra (USA).
In exchange application of the Cimicifuga’s phytoestrogens eliminate early vasomotor menopausal symptoms («hot flashes», chills, increased sweating, headache, changes in blood pressure, heart rate and other cardiomyopathy, atrophyess, dryness and itching of the mucous sheath), which is usually observed on the background of emotional-vegetative symptoms of the climacteric neurosis (unmotivated mood swings, irritability, sleepiness/insomnia, weakness, fatigue, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, inattention, decreased libido). Reduces the risk of inflammation of the sexual sphere and late menopausal metabolic disorders (arthritis and osteoporosis, breast cancer, cardiovascular and skin diseases).
The aging of the skin, which is manifested in the form of facial wrinkles, sagging skin, brittle nails, dry, and hair loss, eyebrows, eyelashes, there are dark spots - is the most provocative symptom of menopause, destroying female appeal. So the rational is the combination of resorptive effects of phytoestrogenic drugs with the cosmetic multivitamin-mineral Cimicifuga’s phytocomplexes - creams for the face and body "Ci-Clim", "Ci-Clim Botoeffect» (Evalar, Russia), Lagy's formula «For hair, skin and nails" (PharmaMed, USA).
All Cimicifuga’s drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and hypersensitive to its components, used with caution in disorders of the liver and kidneys, not recommended with alcohol, barbiturates, sedatives, antihypertensives, psychostimulants and other hormonal drugs.
Now in Europe and in USA the phytoestrogens are very popular among the women in «elegant age». During regular use this drugs are prolonged reproductive period and female youth, they are beneficial to the health, appearance, sexuality and retain the joy of intimacy that undeniably improves self-esteem and quality of life of the modern woman.


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