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22 января 2017г.

What was 3D modeling in the past and what it will be in the future of mankind? To answer this question the people must first understand: "What is 3D nowadays?"

If you ask anyone, "What is 3D?” that's what you will hear in response - for some people 3D is something out of science fiction area, somewhere between robots - rebells and laser blasters, others remember computer games and virtual reality, captivating beauty of three-dimensional image, and only a few of us will say at once about the work of 3D-printers, Blender, AutoCAD, 3D-Max ...

The table below shows the survey results among NVPK MEPhI students and teachers:

"What is 3D?”











three-dimensional image of the object




Picture (Drawing)




Computer game





up to 22






up to 23







And what is it in reality? One of the definitions of 3D or three-dimensional graphics - Computer Graphics section covering algorithms and software for manipulating objects in three-dimensional space, as well as the result of such programs. 3D is a very serious mathematical apparatus, implemented in the core of the graphics system producing three-dimensional images.

However, to understand the future, you must make an excursion towards the past: It all was begun by Ivan Sutherland - this talented man in the days of post-graduate work at the University created SketchPad application - a program that made possible to embody the first 3D objects in virtual reality. Stable growth of PC performance in the early 1990s gave an impetus to the development of relatively inexpensive applications for three-dimensional modeling. The emergence of 3D software packages made it available to ordinary users. In this regard, modeling is no longer the privilege of a small group of scientists engaged in boring research, or filmmakers, having access to powerful graphics stations.

Ease of use, relatively low hardware requirements and truly amazing possibilities of such systems have provided their rapid spread and popularity. In the field of design and animation, along with manufacturers of well- known programs like 3ds Max, Maya, SOFTIMAGE / XSI, Lightwave 3D, the companies are engaged in the development of specialized focus optioned modules.

Around the same time a device becomes popular, capable of quickly and cheap model production - CNC (numerically controlled machine tools). Many of them have remained in the manufacturing sector, but the rapid development of a separate branch of "evolution" has led to the emergence of the office 3D printers - thus began the history of development of 3D-printing.

The very first device to create a 3D-prototype was an American SLA-installation, using stereolithography, developed and patented by Charles Hull in 1986 and, of course, it still wasn’t the first to have 3D-printers in its modern sense, but this installation determined the 3D-printer work: objects are built up in layers.

Hull immediately created the company 3D Systems, which produced the first volume print device titled Stereolithography Apparatus. The first model of this machine, which had a wide circulation, became SLA-250, developed in 1988. It is clear that such a 3D color printer was working only with monochromatic raw materials, but for that time it was like a miracle.

Since we are talking about the printers we shouldn’t forget about 3D -scanners. Although the virtual reality is beautiful even in itself, most people want the other side of the computer screen to have digital images of familiar things. And even if their individual traits are modified, and the form and functionality are unusual, but vehicle or an apple drawn by software code must be recognized as an automobile or an apple.

There are many ways of transformation of reality into virtuality and atoms into bits. However, there are only two basic techniques: manual modeling object in special editor program and 3D object scanning with the subsequent processing in that same editor.

Three-dimensional scanning technology appeared a few decades ago, in the late 20th century. Of course, then it hadn’t a wide range of possibilities, but it was a real 3d scanner coped with the main function. Its operation is quite simple:

3d scanner device is engaged in a detailed study of physical objects, and then recreate their accurate models in a digital format. As a backlight a laser is utilized or a special light (their use increases the accuracy of the measurement). Despite the apparent complexity of the 3D-scanning technology, 3D-scanners get more and more developed every year. This is due to many reasons, among which the main ones are: first, the modern industrial production required more and more fast, efficient and cheap technology product development. 3D-scanning as one of the chain links of the development and production is becoming increasingly popular. Second, the trade that is more and more using the Internet capabilities and Internet marketing technologies requires constant creation of 3D - models of goods - for advertising, presentation needs and the needs of the electronic versions of the directory.

The first-born of a new direction development of 3D-printing became 3Doodler handle – one more device of the Wobbleworks company. This tool is able to draw in air. The device resembles the 3D-printer, but its capabilities’ scope is truly enormous. With its help it became possible not only to practice drawing and experimenting in the creation of artistic masterpieces, but it will be able to solve many problems of domestic nature.

Today there are two types of handles: cold and hot. The first, prints with fast hardening rubber photopolymer.The hot one prints, using the various polymer alloys in the form of coils with plastic thread.

The principle of the hot 3D pen is extremely simple. Unlike conventional devices for writing and drawing, instead of the ink the pen is filled with plastic thread. Most of the pens available on the retail market  use conventional polymer rod, which is bought for printers operating at layer-fusing technology.

In the rear part the device has a special hole, into which the filament is inserted. Built-in mechanism automatically brings ink to the extruder where it is melted and extruded in molten form to the outside.

Thirty years ago, there was a semblance of a device that is available to us now. Stereoscopic - as it was called, was used in the halls of the Moscow volume movies cinema theater. To watch films the "October" cinema visitors got glasses with two different color lenses. With the simple concept of shared glasses image separately for right and left eyes an effect of the 3D video has been reached.

Now anyone can visit the 3D cinema, feel their participation in what we see, due to the realism of the image. New branches of the 3D video appear more and more often.

A couple of years ago IMax technology was combined with the 3D. The result was spectacular. And you may notice a pleasant trend: 3D technology develops like a snowball, capturing related industries, using the discoveries of the various sciences. The party does not remain the world's electronics brands.

As for me, I happened to work with almost every device. For me the 3D pen and the scanner have become nothing but just an entertainment. But particularly I became fascinated with printer that was fantastic! It seemed like magic! Having been created in the virtual world of the computer screen, the model becomes reality. At first there were failures, pretty stupid mistakes, but every day I dived into something so new and unusual, that I couldn’t stop. One of the most amazing discoveries for me was the understanding that 3D starts on paper, with the usual sketch. And then there are many ways to create the model, but in detail I will describe only one of the steps.

It all starts with the transfering of the sketch into the 3d modeling environment. At the screen you can see the pitcher sketch.

The next step is to use the command "spin".

Here it is, the result of the command.

I have done the models much more complicated, but the process of their creation is much more difficult:

So what will happen in the future? 3D-printer is still a curiosity, but it is a part of our lives, and the virtual reality has become known to everyone. The magical worlds full of dreams will come true as well as artificial organs, printed by the home 3D-printers, masterpieces made by 3D-pen, and perhaps something more, something that we can’t even imagine today.

List of sources used


1.    http://www.rutvet.ru/in-istoriya-sozdaniya-3d-printerov-i-ih-princip-raboty-8253.html - History of 3D printers.

2. https://habrahabr.ru/sandbox/103016 / - Three-dimensional modeling in the modern world.

3. http://seniga.ru/index.php/stat/1996-razvitije-3d-modjelirovanija.html - Development of 3D modeling.

4. http://smitnews.ru/2015/05/14/istoriya-poyavleniya-3d-printera/ - The story of the 3D printer.

5.         http://conti-group.ru/publ/stati_o_tovarakh/3d_ruchka_istorija_sozdanija/11-1-0-7189 -      3Druchki history.